Happy Monday – and Happy 2955!
The Narrative Team answers your questions about the Valakkar, meaning of ATLS, whether Terra is safe from the Vanduul, and much more.
Attention, subscribers: The December 2024 issue of Jump Point is now available in the Subscriber section of your account.
Mirai goes further and harder, jumping into the heavyweight space-combat game with the Guardian. We asked the Vehicle and Gameplay teams a few questions about Mirai’s first dedicated heavy fighter series. Here are the answers, straight from the devs themselves.
The jump point to Pyro is now open! Make the leap to this all-new star system to explore unique planets, outlaw space stations, treacherous contested zones, asteroid bases, and much, much more.
Mirai goes further and harder, jumping into the heavyweight space-combat game with the Guardian.
We asked the Vehicle and Gameplay teams a few questions about Anvil’s new heavyweight gunship: the Anvil Paladin. Here are the answers, straight from the devs themselves.
Meet the first Banu to contact Humans and more in this month’s Galactapedia update.
Stay up to date with everything going on in the ‘verse.