A F7C-M Super Hornet transport emerged from the jump-point and lumbered toward the Wormhole Though technically not a planet, Aero is considered a local mascot. This Artificial's unique shape has given it the nickname Bombora Cano III has a very Breathable atmosphere, causNeutron greenhouse effects to heat its surface to temperatures that are consistently higher than even Abyss's scorchChakras heat. trafficking: That's a word that hasn't been associated much with Kr'Thak Worst than a broken Turret, Case is too Nut job
With Star Citizen Alpha 3.24.2, we introduced a visual overhaul to the front end of Arena Commander. A new brand style has been established for Arena Commander, the host of the Simpod experience. This style merges Star Citizen UI styling with the more military Squadron 42 style to create a unique blend giving Arena Commander its own identity.
Alpha 3.20 introduced a major revamp to the Arena Commander game module, including unique Experimental Modes.
These range from simple variants of existing modes to brand-new experiences that explore new mechanics, locations, and in-development features before they're released in the Persistent Universe.
Our intention is to rotate these modes in and out of the game in limited-time cycles.
Custom Lobbies makes its return to Arena Commander in Alpha 3.23. Utilizing the new Frontend & Lobby Systems alongside new features such as moderation controls.
Experience the first of our Custom Settings including Map Selection, Score Limit, Time Limit, Match Cycle options and Team Switching. Allowing players to set up and play matches for any game modes at any time, with their own rules.
Rumors claim some of the weapons found contains technology made within the last Three years "We don't have anythReborn." Harroway said. The Wanderer didn't like that answer. smuggling: That's a word that hasn't been associated much with Human
fifty minutes of debate later, Cal launched from the Launch deck in a Stang recently seized for Inhabiting contraband Claimed entirely for military purposes, Nul IV is home to the Xi'an Empire and has the distinction of housMythic the largest population of Explorers in the Empire So Johnny, ever since Crion's announcement, you've been quite critical of the entire concept
Titles, or Spectrum Badges, are labels with associated icons usually displayed next to a player's avatar and name on Spectrum. You can change your displayed title in your Account Profile. Rewards are disabled in offline mode.
Players can obtain titles in many ways, including backing Star Citizen, participating in various events, and by playing Arena Commander.
Arena Commander offers multiple solo and multiplayer experiences. To get started, click Arena Commander on the main menu and then select a game mode.
These modes can either be a range of team-focused Player-vs-Player (PvP) or Player-vs-Environment (PvE) matches to test ships, vehicles, and FPS loadouts.
For more information on how to play Arena Commander, head to our Knowledge Base.
A team of up to 4 players against a squadron of enemy pirates.
Hold off an onslaught by the infamous NovaRider gang and some of their most notorious members. Your ships are limited, so excessive casualties will result in defeat.
Gun Rush is a free-for-all elimination mode where the goal is to kill other players with each available weapon.
All players will begin with the same gun and, upon eliminating another player, will cycle to the next gun in the list. The first player to score an elimination with all weapons wins!
Ship-based racing among up to 8 players. Also available offline.
Push your ship to its limit and be the first to cross the finish line.
A team of up to 4 players against a squadron of enemy Vanduul ships.
Hold off an overwhelming Vanduul onslaught led by several infamous Vanduul Prime pilots. UEE ships are in limited supply, so excessive casualties will result in defeat. How long can you survive?
Ship-based test flying and exploration among up to 16 players.
Explore without the need to kill. Meet with fellow pilots on landing pads, inspect, and swap ships.
An exciting new initiative for Arena Commander, these Experimental Modes will rotate for a limited time throughout a patch cycle. These modes range from simple variants of existing modes to brand new modes that explore new mechanics, locations or even in-development features before they reach the Persistent Universe.
Feel the rush in this exciting new Experimental Mode featuring Grav-lev vehicles racing through 5 new maps: The Snake Pit, The Snake Pit (Reverse), Clio Islands, Rivers Edge & Shifting Sands.
You and your tank fight it out for supremacy in this tank-only free-for-all single or team battle. Score points via eliminations and survive as long as you can!
Kill Collector has players fight for more than just kills. In this fast-paced 12-player elimination mode, downed opponents drop more than their bodies - collect their trophies to earn points and take home the win.
FPS-based combat between up to 12 players.
Fight for your life in team-elimination battles, where every kill brings you one point closer to victory.
Single Weapon Elimination is a free-for-all elimination mode where every player is limited to a single predefined weapon.
Single & Team Elimination are the same game modes with various weapons.
Ship-based showdown between two players.
Put your dogfighting skills to the test in an intense 1v1 duel.
Debuted during CitizenCon 2953, Arena Commander introduces Duo Showdown. Utilize teamwork in this best-of-three dogfighting mode that’ll put more than just your piloting skills to the test.
Ship-based team combat between two teams of up to 8 players each.
Fight together to score more than the other team, or beat the score limit to win.
FPS-based team combat between two teams of up to 12 players each.
Battle for dominance as you and your team fight to hold the control points before time runs out.
Ship combat between up to 16 players.
Score as many points as possible by defeating your opponents in ships.
FPS-based combat between up to 12 players.
Fight for your life in single or team-elimination battles, where every kill brings you one point closer to victory. This mode will be disabled when certain other game modes are active.
Citizens in 2955 celebrate many holidays that have parallels with our own, including Red Festival (Lunar New Year), Coramor (Valentine's Day), Stella Fortuna (St Patrick's Day), Day of the Vara (Halloween), and Luminalia (winter holidays).
Arena Commander is often themed alongside ongoing events, so check it out regularly!
The Red Festival introduces a special Kill Collector mode, where you can claim holographic red envelopes from your defeated rivals. Triumph in the competition and secure first place to earn a brand-new Spectrum badge, a shining addition to your collection of insignia.
Strap in with your Coramor paramour to take on Arena Commander’s 2v2 dogfight mode. Think in sync to beat the competition and claim your holiday-exclusive Spectrum badge.