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Roberts Space Industries ®






June 22nd 2022

Banu Message


Zona oSouli ktæ inæ ninæ.


.kidada inæ se yuwæ ai njeko fondæ inæ a siSøtandonø kektæ ninæ. .Zona oSouli jaki nyo ktæ inæ. .yæ ektæ nyuBanu, ¡etæ mbilæ zo tsotæ ndæ!. .odai fetæ nja jafu ondzoto ktikti gongo ke ucheo ndi mbilayæ. .elayu fetæ njatsa zo nyani, tsao osunje fetæ da ¡inæ bongowæ nyetæ kidæle utanjetæ fuSouli finæ ye yaziyæ!. uZona ndi michæ, fondæ yæ layæ utu tanæ rakowæ, etæ mbilæ ¡yiu ye ni!.

¿ki kidada ektæ ye netæ fesse lonetæ dutó?

.ye ndæ. .uruma nje oSouli Yumano ndza ZinoSletø, yandu ¡naktu uruma!, ke ulæ lonowæ uruma, ¡ndæ yæ!. .yæ uYumano ZinoSletø, uBanu furuma. .kidada inæ fuBanu, uZinoSletø naktuwæ inæ, yiu. .njekenaktu, ye fengenyo nyulæ ¡yæ!. .kidæle ó si umbi feba finæ, ulæ naktuwæ zasá. .ZinoSletø uYumano sseó, zó. tsao, kidada inæ sunjeyæ tsuZona, ke uZinoSletø naktuwæ inæ, uZona ktæwǽ inæ, ke uSouli finæ rakowæ zo faréfa nyo michæ ndæ.

¿ki kidada etæ sese tieyæ ta uTændri ta uKassa dau nyenga yu ektæ aa leno?

.elana sasa. .yæ Zona oSouli se nongai nyinæ fugi ndza uyudinde ssunjiyæ nyo ktæ inæ. .enjeko finya ndi tanya fesse etæ mbilayæ ktæ inæ zo bæna zó,¡chingondæ!. .uyudinde sumbowæ nyinæ etanya fanga ndæ, ke cho sunje tsuSouli fetæ chinæ.

¿ki kidada oSouli fetæ ndi bæna kektæ ye netæ?

.lana etobe chukta. .uZinoSletø bænatso zwana inæ. .gongo odai takæyǽ oIndrisø fo ulæ. .utu fuSouli fulæ tanæ yæ. .¡ikti! fulæ ndi tanæ keke. .yæ ulæ, echao ye mvo, ke yaziyæ zo yesse, kidada nja jafu inæ zo yucha ke sauda. .yæ eksango lonulæ, buma loninæ zo ganga. ¡kidada inæ sunjeyæ tsuZona nyenga ksango lonulæ nyinæ, fondæ yuko emicha finæ, yiu yæ! .yæ indue isa uZinoSletø fwiyæ podai, olana fozwo fetæ. .epacha tsetæ njatsafwo zwana engenjendo yæ. .indue isa uZinoSletø yaziyæ uBanu, ulana Zona yæ. .epacha tsetæ njatsafwo zwana tunge uSouli dzæ nyinæ yæ. .ebæna sasa, tsao ksango ye no, sasatso ndæ. .Zona oSouli ksangowæ nyinæ, yiu yæ.

¿ki kidada inæ mawæ puYumano ktæ inæ lonuZinoSletø Yumano?

.elana bubu. .yæ uYumano, ye nja ktæmlæ lonuZinoSletø uta Yumano keke. zo tsowæ, yæ Yumano Souli zuGondana feKtæ jofÚto jonyo buyunæ kida, elana ¡ye bongo!. ¿pa pado ektæ ye bongo zwana efenge njatsa dinæ, ¿chi chingo??

.kendo sea wo, kidada inæ nyiSøtandonø, esunje tse oSouli Zona fegingo nzafwe tanzu.

.indæ pa pacho zo ndi michæ ke ¡oSouli findæ chaowæ seto yæ!.


You need the Zona Souli to protect you.


If you are receiving this message, it is because you are in the Stanton System and in need of protection. The Zona Souli is ready to protect you. We are the best at protecting Banu. Our ships are very deadly with many weapons and piloted by skilled fighters. Our service is very expensive but our contract states you are only in debt to us if the majority of your Souli doesn’t die. The Zona are very rich so we must be very good at keeping lots of people alive.

What if we do not need protection because no one is against us?

That is wrong. The Human Souli XenoThreat hates aliens and they actually attack aliens. To XenoThreat Humans, Banu are aliens. If you are Banu, then XenoThreat will attack you. These attacks are not even for benefiting themselves. Even if you do not have any goods in your hold, they will still attack you. XenoThreat Humans do not make sense at all. But if you have a contract with Zona Souli and XenoThreat attacks you, then Zona Souli will protect you and your Souli will still be alive and will
go on to gain much fortune.

What if we already gave tithings to Taernin or Kassa to protect us on this trip?

That is good. Zona Souli messaging you is how the gods prefer to protect you. This is very lucky because we are so strong and good at protecting you like no other. The gods truly offer you favor and you should contract with our Souli.

What if our Souli is very strong and we do not need protection?

That opinion is fatally wrong. XenoThreat is stronger than you are. They have big ships called Idris. Their Souli has many members. They have many weapons too. They do not care about prosperity and will die for no reason if it means success in brutally killing you. Fighting them will cost you too much. It will assuredly conserve your wealth to hire the Zona to fight against them for you! When XenoThreat shoots at ships, it those will be our ships. Doing business with us is cheaper than making any repairs. When XenoThreat kills Banu, it will be Zona members who die. Trading with us is cheaper than seeking out and finding new members for your Souli. Being strong is good, but not having to fight is better. Zona Souli will fight for you.

What if you ask Humans to protect you from XenoThreat Humans?

This is a mistake. Humans cannot even protect themselves from XenoThreat Humans. And even if a Human Souli like the Civilian Defense Force does come to help you, that will be free! Do you want to trust free protection over expensive protection, really?!?

As is obvious now, if you go to the Staton System, contracting with Zona Souli is the right choice.

May our business together enrich us both and see our Soulis flourish!

End Transmission



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