


November 18th 2012

Party Time and Final 24 Hour Announcements!

Party Time and Final 24 Hour Announcements!

It’s party time! Join Chris Roberts and the Cloud Imperium Games team live as they count down the last 24 hours of the record-setting Star Citizen pledge campaign! You can access the video streams and chat feeds via the Roberts Space Industries front page.

New Ships

For today and today only, we’re making a number of the ship unlocks available for sale: the Gladiator bomber ($150), the ORIGIN M50 ($150), the MISC Starfarer Tanker ($17), the Retaliator Heavy Bomber ($250) and the Idris Corvette ($1,000.) Again, we need to stress: these ships are for sale to raise money to build the game. They are not unique to this pledge drive: you will be able to buy them (without lifetime insurance included) using credits you earn in-game when Star Citizen is released.

In addition, the UEE has captured a Vanduul carrier ship and we’re selling the contents on the open market! 300 Vanduul fighters, which will never be available on the legitimate market, are now for sale. If you want one in the game you’re going to have to hunt, disable and capture it

Finally, we know we’re selling a lot of extra ships in this final drive… so: if we reach $5 million, backers will have lifetime free garaging for their ships. It’s hardly fair to ask you to buy extra ships to reach our stretch goals and then turn around and charge you in-game credits to keep them around.

AI Video

We’d like to share one last gameplay video with you as you make your final upgrade choices. This is a short video of the AI attacking and defending a Bengal carrier. It demonstrates intelligent collision avoidance – a dense asteroid field, other space ships, including a large capital ship plus offensive and defensive roles. Note that this is very early pre-pre Alpha. There was a bug with laser bolt speed in this build and they were incorrectly capped at a very low speed. That is not how they will behave in the game. But we thought the video was awesome enough to show you anyway!  


You begged for shirts and we’ve finally listened! We’ve created two cool shirts for sale to backers in these last hours of the campaign: a Star Citizen “Citizenship Must Be Earned” design and a Squadron 42 “Cal is my Wingman” option They’re $25 each. Backers over $1,000 get the Squadron 42 shirt for free and backers over $5,000 get both! Show your support for Star Citizen by adding it to your wardrobe!


We’re pleased to announce that Star Citizen will indeed, come in a box! $125 pledges will get a green box while $250-and-above pledges will get a grey box personally signed by Chris Roberts! We have mockup art.


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