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January 25th 2013

Jump Point Issue #2

Jump Point Issue #2

We’re pleased to announce that the second issue of Jump Point is now available for all subscribers! This issue contains new fiction, an in-depth article about the creation of the Bengal carrier and a profile of the Kellog system! This issue is meaty, weighing in at over 40 pages!

Jump Point is only possible due to the contributions of our subscribers. And while a lot of art is generated during the design process it takes an entire team of people to publish each month in the magazine and on the website. So huge thanks to our subscribers for making it possible to share our behind the scenes process with everyone!

Over the course of each month we will release a good portion of the content in previous Jump Points to all of our backers. This is similar to the model used by other print magazines such as Edge. News and art may break in Jump Point, but everyone will get a chance to see all making of, universe fiction and any game mechanic reveals down the road. And subscribers, you get an early jump (and exclusive fiction) for helping fund the media team!  

Check out the preview in the slideshow!

Subscribers can read the rest in the subscriber area now! Not subscribed? Head over to to get a subscription!

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