


April 6th 2013

Back SotA, Get a Crossbow in Star Citizen!

Back SotA, Get a Crossbow in Star Citizen!

Attention Citizens,

Breaking news! You heard earlier today that Richard Garriott’s Shroud of the Avatar will feature an item designed by Chris Roberts useable in-game… and we’ve decided to return the favor! If you back both Star Citizen and Shroud of the Avatar at the $40 Adventurer level or higher, we’ll give your pilot in Star Citizen a powerful crossbow straight out of Richard’s new world… perfect for providing an extra-lethal punch during boarding actions. The Shroud of the Avatar Kickstarter campaign ends in just twelve hours, so make your pledge NOW!

If you would like to pledge via Paypal you can do so here.


Weapon Description:


Iolo Industries Armor-Piercing Crossbow
Some things never go out of style, and the Iolo Crossbow is proof: an elegant weapon that has proved itself capable of repelling boarders effectively time and again over the centuries. It stands well above laser sidearms in terms of armor penetration, the ideal weapon for anyone needing to blast through two inches of plasteel space armor. Designed and hanf-crafted by David Watson, these rare crossbows are prized by pilots for their reliability and their low level of required maintenance. This weapon is an exact replica of the one created for Richard “Lord British” Garriott’s Shroud of the Avatar so you can arm your character with it in both universes!
Damage: 2 cm / bolt (+3 against armor)
Reload: .5 seconds
Effective Range: 50 meters
UEE Restriction: RED

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