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April 30th 2013

Introducing Your RSI Space Suit

Introducing Your RSI Space Suit

Congratulations again to everyone for reaching the $9 million stretch goal! In addition to the Lifetime Insurance discussed yesterday, every user of the “old” site will start the game with a limited edition Roberts Space Industries space suit themed to match our new RSI website. These suits are the same model as those produced by RSI, but only pledgers who used the original website will get the exclusive RSI test pilot colors. It’s your reward for “testing” the site!

If you’re still interested in purchasing an Aurora LX, the sale goes for four more days; the space suits will be included in the game for anyone who pledges before the new site goes live in 4-6 weeks. Here’s the space suit’s background:

RSI Class II Space Suit

Roberts Space Industries has a proud history of developing their own pressure suits. The holograph of the X-7 test team posing in front of their quantum jump engine in their silver-and-orange custom built space suits is among the most iconic images in the history of astronautics. These custom-fitted suits quickly became the standard for extrasolar space travel and the basis for all suits mass produced today. RSI suits retain a high degree of prestige for pilots today, as they are only available for purchase alongside a genuine RSI spacecraft and their manufacture continues to exhibit a high degree of care and comfort. Roberts Space Industries produces a range of suits, from a basic Class I pressure enclosure to a Class IX mechanized heavy lifting suit. The Class II prototype suit, used by RSI’s elite core of in-house pilots, is the ideal cross between an easily maneuverable pressure suit and a bulkier high-protection environment suit. Class II suits allow for hours of survival in the case of a hull breach and up to 45 minutes of extravehicular activity. The RSI suit comes standard with a pair of belt holsters capable of carrying a range of standard scanning equipment and a chest mount for a personal sidearm. An optional back-rack allows for the mounting of heavier mining equipment, assault weapons or the attachment of an RSI Manned Maneuvering Unit. The internal environment systems keep a pilot at Earth-normal temperature and pressure ranges with a less than 5 percent variance.


Maneuverability:.95 unencumbered
HUD Software:OptiGlass 3.0 Compatible
Survivability, Vacuum:4 hours
Survivability, Radiation:45 minutes
UEE Restriction:Green

Space Suit System

We would also like to share one of our design documents, explaining how the classification system for space suits works. Please note that this is what we’re working towards; you won’t find all of these in the game on day one (and some are for Squadron 42!) This also does not mean there are nine different space suits; there are nine types. Like ship upgrades, each suit will have a variety of different manufacturers, quality levels, upgrade options, etc. Suits will also have customizable colors, decals, etc. to increase variation. There will also be an array of player clothing separate from space suits.
  • Class I – basic protection; essentially a plastic bag. Think a Tyvek suit. Class 1 suits protect against vacuum during a hull breach but they can’t be worn for EVAs.
  • Class II – This is the “standard” suit for non-military pilots. Keeps you safe in the cockpit and is maneuverable enough in combat. Has limited EVA capabilities, although to do anything effective in zero G you need attachments that will slow it down.
  • Class III – Heavier civilian suit. A little slower and less maneuverable than the class II, but has increased armor. You’ll have a harder time moving around in boarding, but you can take more hits.
  • Class IV – Military suit, as seen in the Squadron 42 trailer. This suit is armored to protect against cockpit damage, has various self-repair features, advanced tactical display, etc. Roughly as effective in EVA as the Class II is in a boarding operation.
  • Class V – Advanced Military Suit. This is a much more expensive and rarer class of suit. Think the difference between a standard fighter pilot suit and the ones worn by an SR-71 crew.
  • Class VI – Marine armor. Too bulky to wear in a cockpit, but much  more effective in boarding operations. A pilot wearing a Class III suit might fly a cargo load of his friends in Class VI suits to attack a freighter.
  • Class VII – Heavy Marine Armor. This is a heavy weapons suit with mech upgrade for carrying heavy weapons.
  • Class VIII –Full blown EVA suit, similar to a modern space suit with an MMU.
  • Class IX – Full blown mech suit. Somewhere between a space suit and the power loader from Alien. These repair the outsides of large ships, move heavy objects in hangars, etc.

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