


May 20th 2013

Sneak Peek: Hangar Module

Sneak Peek: Hangar Module

Greetings Citizens,

Last week we promised the first reveal of the upcoming Hangar Module… and here it is! Our own Sandi Gardiner sat down with artist Forrest Stephan to take the very first look at the hangar you’ll be using to store your pledge spacecraft!

The Hangar Module will be the first segment of Star Citizen released, allowing backers to explore and customize their pledge spacecraft in-engine. The team at Cloud Imperium Games is currently hard at work on this portion of the game, creating the pieces needed to release the module later this year!

Please note that what you see in this video is an early work-in-progress; roughly half of the art is still unfinished and many of the systems are not in place yet. We think it’s pretty cool and couldn’t wait any longer to share what we’ve been working on:

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