


May 28th 2013

Press Roundup: Chris Roberts on GameSkinny

ress Roundup: Chris Roberts on GameSkinny

Greetings Citizens,

We hope you had a restful holiday weekend. The team at Cloud Imperium enjoyed the day off and is now gearing up for our next milestones and preparing for next month’s 24-hour livestream event (June 28.) We can’t wait to let you explore the new website and to show you the next round of information about Star Citizen! 

In the news, GameSkinny has posted a half-hour Skype interview catching up with Chris Roberts. Take a look to see Chris answer a wide variety of Star Citizen questions:


In other news, remember that the latest issue of Jump Point will be released this Friday for subscribers! This month you’ll meet Lead Designer Rob Irving and learn about the making of the Constellation. Subscription fees go directly to Star Citizen’s development and help fund things like Jump Point and the Wingman’s Hangar show.

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