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Roberts Space Industries ®






August 27th 2013

Star Citizen Hits the Road!

Star Citizen Hits the Road

Attention con-goers! This weekend marks the end of ‘con season’ and Star Citizen will be making an appearance at two big events! Star Citizen creator Chris Roberts will be appearing at PAX Prime in Seattle, WA to speak at two different panels:
The PC Gaming World Congress PC Gamer assembles a dream team of PC gaming personalities debate the state of our dear hobby. For an hour, we’ll invite our speakers to reflect on the issues that matter most to PC gamers and developers and paint a picture of what the next few years in PC gaming will look like. Finally, a congress worth listening to. PEGASUS THEATER, FRIDAY 8/30 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM Veterans in Gaming: Embracing Common Ground What impact do military-themed games have on an increasing population of active duty and veteran gamers? How are large gaming communities leveraging the experience and common frames of reference military veterans provide? How is this growing segment of dedicated players impacting both game and community development? How are veteran-run charities and fundraising events changing the landscape of gaming philanthropy? Hear from both sides of the screen. UNICORN THEATER, MONDAY 9/2 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM
We’re also sending a team to DragonCon in Atlanta, GA! Lead Writer Dave Haddock and Community Manager Ben Lesnick will be on hand Saturday to answer questions at the MOG Nation booth at the Exhibitor Hall (located at the AmericasMart.) They will also be speaking at a panel that evening:
Star Citizen Sneak Preview Roberts Space Industries presents a Massively Multiplayer Online Universe created by Chris Roberts, producer of Wing Commander and Privateer. Sat 7:00 pm; Grand Salon E [Hil]
We’ll see you there!

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