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September 12th 2013

Fan Spotlight: Fan Ships & Space Barn!

Fan Spotlight: Fan Ships and the Space Barn

Today we’d like to share some more of the incredible fan-designed ships from the Modding Forum. Star Citizen will allow players to mod in their ship designs and even submit them for consideration for use on the persistent universe server. Fans are already taking up the challenge, creating their own detailed ship designs! We’re not ready to integrate them into Star Citizen yet, but we can celebrate how cool they’re looking here in the Comm-Link.

Today’s first ship is the Phalanx 300 by SkyZone! It’s a light escort/interceptor. Looks like the perfect kind of spacecraft to deploy from a larger capital ship! Read more here.

Next is the Taneos, a jack-of-all-trades (exploration, trading and dogfighting) ship from Nivis Tigris. You have to love how it looks like something out of the original Wing Commander! Check out the Taneos thread here.

Finally, Woden, creator of the storied Stribog, has a new ship in the works for his product line: the Gerovit! He’s already shown it with several different skins… hopefully it will have as much detail as his first project! You can follow the development here.

But that’s not all! We’d like to celebrate a great new Star Citizen fan website that has really impressed the team: the Stanton Space Barn lets you experiment with different ship configurations for the different Star Citizen pledge ships!

We have a lot more information to release, so the configurations aren’t 100% accurate yet… but it’s a great tool for anyone who remembers planning their dream ship in Privateer using a pen and notepad! Visit the Stanton Space Barn today!

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