


January 23rd 2014

Star Citizen Poll: What’s Your Joystick?

Star Citizen Poll: What’s Your Joystick?

Greetings Citizens,

During the last livestream, Chris Roberts spoke about how Cloud Imperium would love to partner with a joystick manufacturer to create genuine Star Citizen hardware. We’re investigating our options now, and we need your help. We’ve created the following survey to help gather data that will let manufacturers know how much interest there is such a product. Please take a moment to let us know about your gaming habits and how you intend to enjoy Star Citizen!

We would also be interested to know what features you would like to see in custom Star Citizen hardware. Please sound off in the comments below with your suggestions.

Star Citizen Joystick Poll

How do you plan to play Star Citizen?

Total Votes: 40049

How interested would you be if a joystick manufacturer created a fully bespoke hardware setup such as a joystick or HOTAS exclusively for Star Citizen?

Total Votes: 40049

Would you be interested in a Star Citizen-themed joystick or HOTAS that could be used for other space sims or combat flight sims?

Total Votes: 40049

Do you currently own a joystick or HOTAS?

Total Votes: 40049

If you have a flight stick, what types of games do you primarily play with it?

Total Votes: 40049

Do you have a preferred brand of flight stick?

Total Votes: 40049

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