


February 19th 2014

Subscriber Year Two Plans

Subscriber Year Two Plans

Approved concept for the Year One Imperator installationApproved concept for the Year One Imperator installation

Greetings Citizens,

Many of our backers have recently started the second year of their development subscriptions. We’ve been hard at work coming up with new rewards for the dedicated subscribers who have helped support Star Citizen so much in the past year. We’re excited to announce those plans today!

The biggest change for Year Two is that all Subscribers will start earning in-game display items for their hangars (and eventually elsewhere.) Every two months we’ll add a surprise item to your account; it could be anything from a unique fish for your tank to a futuristic toolbox for your hangar! These items won’t give any special gameplay advantage and they will be available to discover in Star Citizen once the persistent universe launches… but for now, the only way to display them is by becoming a development subscriber!

(Above: Part of the Year One subscriber installation being created for the Los Angeles office.)

Subscriber Rewards Year Two

Artwork for future cloth patchesArtwork for future cloth patches

Here are the updated reward tiers for 2014:


  • Access to Jump Point, the monthly digital magazine of Star Citizen. A lengthy monthly newsletter including updates from the team, exclusive in-universe fiction and behind-the-screens information about Star Citizen’s development. Subscribers can access the entire collection of Jump Point back issues at any time.
  • A new surprise decorative item for your Hangar added to your account every two months!
  • Access to “The Vault,” a collection of Star Citizen artwork that would otherwise never be seen, including ‘paths not taken’ discarded concept art for the true collector. The Vault also includes full resolution versions of all imagery used to create each issue of Jump Point.
  • A catalog of Star Citizen subscriber merchandise, available at times throughout the year. (Including the prototype ship patches and Vanduul size comparison poster seen in this post!)
  • The ability to provide questions for Chris Roberts’ weekly “10 for the Chairman” sessions.
  • Access to a Subscriber-only forum and chat room!


  • Your name in the game! We can’t tell you where you’ll find it, but if you subscribe for at least twelve months your name will be located somewhere in the Star Citizen world.
  • Get VIP admission to all future RSI Fan events. You will receive priority reservation for CItizenCons and other conventions!
  • Website Beta Access – join the elite team called upon to test new web content, like the Organization System and Galactapedia (forthcoming.)
  • Website Beta Access – join the elite team called upon to test new web content, like the Organization System!
  • TEST PILOT” access badge – a single-use token allowing you one day of access to test fly any of the five base spacecraft each month during a future dogfighting alpha test.
  • Centurion: Year Two decals for your ship.


Year One Imperator names will be part of this installation in the Los Angeles office!Year One Imperator names will be part of this installation in the Los Angeles office!

All of the perks of Centurion Package PLUS:

  • Get VIP admission to all future RSI Fan events. You will receive priority reservation for CItizenCons and other conventions!
  • Two copies of each digital Hangar item. Share with your friends!
  • “VANDUUL TEST PILOT” badge allowing access to fly the Vanduul Scythe during the upcoming Dogfighting Module test phase. Each month gives an additional 24 hours of access to the Scythe!


  • Create a pirate! We’re populating Spider with NPCs and you will have the right to name one and create their backstory for the official Galactapedia! (CIG reserves the right to edit any content created as part of this perk.)
  • ADVANCED TEST PILOT” access badge – a single-use token allowing you one day of access to test fly any available spacecraft each month during a future dogfighting alpha test. Includes rare ships and variants! The DFM will launch with a selection of single-seat fighters and add other ships with ongoing patches.
  • Imperator: Year Two Decals for your ships.

You can learn more about subscribing here.

Jump Point: Year One

We’re also happy to report that Jump Point: Volume 1, the promised collection of all 2012-2013 Jump Point issues, is going to press as we speak. All 12-month Imperators (past or present) will be able to order a limited-edition hardcover copy for the cost of shipping alone ($20). Additional softcovers will be available for sale to 12-month Centurions (past or present) at a cost of $40 (which basically covers printing and shipping). The softcover version will also be available in limited numbers to all backers for $80. More details about the book will be made available shortly, when preorders go live.

WIP - Vanduul ship size comparison posterWIP - Vanduul ship size comparison poster

End Transmission



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