Not content with normal joysticks or computer setups, the forum members highlighted below decided to take action and create their own masterpieces. From weird and wonderful to massive collections we’ll explore a few of different creations by your fellow forum members. Enjoy!
Struggling with the complications of a small desk, Torvic has designed wooden mounts that attach to the legs of his table. Even better, when he’s finished destroying enemies for the day the mounts can swerve out of the way.
Thrustmaster MFD’s, Thrustmaster Hotas warthog, Saitek control yoke, throttle quadrant, radio stack, LCD instruments Saitek cyborg control stick, Saitek Rudder pedals, Nostromo N 52, Space pilot Pro, Real Flight Elite control box, Manhattan Mondo hub 28 port USB 2/3 hub, Matrox triple head to go digital edition, and Track IR Pro are just a sample of what JazAero takes into battle. Simply put, JazAero takes flight simulation to a whole other level of awesome.
Thank you everybody for your amazing designs and creations. If you have an interesting or creative setup, or know somebody who does, please let us know in the comments. See you next Time!