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November 4th 2014

Fan Spotlight: Translations

Today we are going to highlight a few of our hardest working forum members, those that translate our posts and comm-links into other languages! We can’t thank these groups enough for the endless hours that they put into making sure that everybody has access to the latest Star Citizen information. Without further hesitation here is our Fan Spotlight: Translations.

Star Citizen Polska

We start with Nebthtet who has created the Polish Star Citizen website, Star Citizen Polska. Hosting not only a website and active forums, Ater also has a YouTube channel that most recently did a Galactic Gear for the 325a!

Check out their page here!

Ciudadano Estelar

For any Spanish speakers out there, Ciudadano Estelar is the place you want to be! Typically translating our Comm-Links within minutes, Ciudadano Estelar also has a weekly podcast named Conversaciones en el espectro. And if you're more of a video person they've got you covered with their YouTube channel as well!

Check out their page here!

Ha Pycckom

Next up we head to Russia where Cyberion has taken on the task of creating a YouTube series titled Ha Pycckom. In these videos he talks about the most recent Star Citizen information. Most recently he has released Episode 4 for his Arena Commander series, while his main series is at Episode 13.

Check out his page here!

Star Citizen News Radio

Lastly we’ll visit perhaps one of the most famous Star Citizen translation websites, the German based Star Citizen News Radio. SCNR tirelessly works on translating all of our information and continues to stay up to date. In addition to translating, they also host a Star Citizen radio station that you can tune into!

Check out their page here!

Thank you very much to everybody who spends their time translating our posts for everybody to read. If you know of a translation website that we forgot, post it below! Thanks and we’ll see you next week!

End Transmission



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