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Ship manufacturer vows to turn the enemy’s own weapons against the alien threat
KUTARAM, Terra, March 18, 2946 (Spectrum Link) – The recent horrific Vanduul attack on Uriel left thousands of Humans dead and missing, bringing fear to the heart of the Empire. With the Navy fighting bravely on the front, concerned civilians are looking to their own safety at home.
Effective immediately, Esperia, Inc., known for their accurate xeno-reproductions, will be making available their entire warehouse stock of ‘Blade-class’ aggressor fighters available for purchase by qualified members of the general public.
“The Vanduul War is not some distant threat,” Esperia CEO Charlotte Hussion stated, “to paraphrase Admiral Bishop: it is at our door. Vega. Now Oberon. Who knows what system could be struck next? Citizens and civilians need to be able to protect themselves against the Vanduul, and they need to be able to do it now before it’s too late. I am thrilled that Esperia has the ability to facilitate this important effort. These Blade light fighters are not only effective defensive tools, but more importantly, they are ready and available for purchase today.”
With the Empire’s safety and well-being in mind, Esperia will be selling the Blade at a steep discount, and have promised that a large percentage of every sale will be donated to the UEEN Veteran Relief Fund.
“With every purchase, Blade owners are not only helping to protecting themselves, they are helping to protect the brave starmen that are fighting for our way of life. Esperia may not have the resources of some of our competitors, but we have identified a very special situation where we can benefit the whole Empire… and give those Vanduul monsters a black eye or two in the process.”
The Blade
The current crop of Blade spacecraft available were manufactured between 2930 and 2940 under a lease agreement with the United Empire of Earth’s military. Per Esperia’s Naval contract, Blade have been returned to Esperia’s care as more advanced aggressor designs are manufactured at a 1:1 basis. While each of these Blades is already a veteran of Humanity’s war on the Vanduul, each has been restored to factory settings and features a full manufacturer’s guarantee.
Classified as a light combat fighter, Vanduul Blade are thought to exist in great numbers due to their more simplistic design and the more limited weaponry they mount when compared to craft such as the Scythe, Glaive and Void. For further information on the design, please see the series of declassified UEE naval review images attached to this press release.
About the Company
Esperia, Inc. is the Empire’s only dedicated manufacturer of wholly alien-designed spacecraft whose technical crews are the best in the galaxy at decrypting and piecing together xeno-technology. The company has provided half a dozen aggressor spacecraft models for UEE use, with manufacturing runs from several dozen to several thousand depending on need. In addition, Esperia’s line of exquisitely reconstructed Tevarin ships, like the Prowler, are lauded the Empire over by exacting connoisseurs and collectors.
Jayce Lassiter
Director of Communications
Esperia, Inc.
CL#446/99/A ROOM L
Asox Tower
Kutaram, Terra, Terra
Terra Gazette – EDITORIALS, March 18, 2946
By Donald Wilfong, Editorial Board
Replica Vanduul Blade fighters provided at cost to certified frontier pilots? It seems like a win-win situation for all parties involved: much needed weapons for those under the Vanduul knife and a massive public relations victory for Esperia, Inc. Not so fast.
Arming unqualified civilians does not make the frontier safer. If these Blades aren’t wanted by the Navy then they should be melted down for raw material resources and not sold to unqualified private operators. Esperia tried this before, making surplus Glaive ships available to extremely qualified pilots… and look what happened (See 10.22.2945 article ‘Civilian Killed Flying Glaive’). Sure, some of those pilots went on to hit back at the enemy… but a whole lot of others ended up killed at the hands of incredibly complex spacecraft with a natural bullseye on them. If these new Blade pilots don’t get themselves killed during flight orientation, they’re going to be prime targets for both enemy vengeance raids AND friendly ships that panic at the sight of their silhouette. Even the Traffic Safety Board warns of this risk. What good is a defense that is going to get you killed in the process? The truth might hurt, but it’s as clear as day: not everyone should own a Vanduul warship.”