Last month we began our new process of creating and distributing Subscriber Flair. The two Stegman’s Outfits for July 2019 were the last of the previous batch of “Pathfinder/Voyager/Rust Society” in the older pipeline, but starting this month and moving forward, you’ll see a variety of offerings from the Character Art team designed to personalize your Star Citizen experience in ways more distinct than a simple color variant.
The items that come between August and December 2019 are being created specifically for Subscribers with an eye towards life in the persistent universe. Some of them will be the helmets we’ve already previewed in previous newsletters and Star Citizen Live, others will be things you may have first seen if you read Jump Point magazine each month. We’re excited to bring this additional focus to the In-Game Rewards (often referred to as Flair) with an eye towards truly unique offerings not found anywhere else, at least not in the immediate future. It’s one more way we want to say thank you for supporting the continuing development of the game each and every month.
With that, let’s run down some of the Subscriber Promotions happening this month.
This month’s flair was first seen in last month’s Subscriber Newsletter and then again in July’s Jump Point Magazine. Divided into two packs of three, these “Life in the ‘Verse” shirts are intended to represent the same type of novelty clothing many of us wear in real life, just with a Life in the Stanton System flair. Shirts with the same acerbic wit and charm found in our own personal clothing.
Life in the ‘Verse Shirts Pack #1 – Whether it’s the landing pads of Port Olisar, the “breathable” atmosphere of Lorville or the crime-ridden areas around Grim HEX, you’ve survived what the Stanton System has thrown at you and now you can have the shirt to prove it. Current Centurion Subscribers get this pack as part of their subscription.
Life in the ‘Verse Shirts Pack #2 – Of course, it’s not just the places you’ll go. Show the ‘Verse that you’re no stranger to the trials and tribulations to life among the stars with this collection of dangers found throughout the Stanton System. Current Imperator Subscribers get both packs as part of their subscription.
If you aren’t a subscriber but want to acquire these packs as part of a Subscription, you can still receive them if you SUBSCRIBE by August 19th.
Additionally, you can purchase most of the previous flair going back to 2014 in the Subscriber Exclusive shop. You can fill in any gaps as well as gift them to non-subscribers.
This month our theme is ground game, and to highlight that all five variants of the Tumbril Cyclone have been made available to Subscribers for all of August. Since this promotion began two weeks ago, we’ve enjoyed seeing the thousands of additional Cyclones tearing up the surfaces of Stanton’s planets and moons, and occasionally a space station. You know who you are.
Every new month we make the previous month’s Ship of the Month available for a limited time pledge promotion. This month and going forward, we’re going to make these offerings just a little more Subscriber-Special by upgrading the insurance and adding some decorative items to each Subscriber-Special Pledge Promotion. Included in each offering every month will be:
- 1-Year Insurance (Up from the base 6-Months)
- Three random decorative flair items from the past.
- In the future, we’ll be enabling CCUs for select, non-stock limited items. This one will take a bit to enable as the current CCU System doesn’t allow for Sub-Only Promotions, but we wanted you to know it’s being actively worked on and is coming. It will not be available this month.
These items will be included at no additional charge. When we say “random” for the decorative items, we mean they’ll be three items that change every month. The insurance, flair and CCUs are our way of saying thank you for participating in the Subscriber-Special Pledge Promotion. This promotion begins on August 14th for all Subscribers.
This month's Subscriber-Special Pledge Promotion is the Vanguard Warden, which was made flyable for all Subscribers throughout July. As stated above, this Warden will come with 1-Year Insurance and three decorative flair items included at no additional charge.
The schematics were originally made available in 2017 as part of our Masters of Design series. The Kavische Space Cactus made it's first appearance in hangars back in 2016.
This promotion begins today and runs until August 19th.