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November 22nd 2019

Welcome Hub & Guide System

Lead The Way

The Star Citizen universe is vast, presenting players with the opportunity to be whoever they want to be, but getting started can be a bit overwhelming. One of our current goals is to soften that learning curve, and help prepare new players for their life among the stars. We’ve got a lot of exciting initiatives in the works, the first two of which we’re happy to introduce you to now: the Welcome Hub and Guide System.

Welcome Hub

The Welcome Hub presents a variety of ways to help you get off on the right foot navigating the 'verse.
  • Play: If you prefer a hands-on approach, our Guides System is the way to go. Jump into the verse with an expert Guide who will be with you every step of the way, helping you learn the ins and outs of Star Citizen, or sharpen a particular skill.
  • Watch: Go at your own pace, and allow our video tutorials to guide you through your first steps into the ‘verse.
  • Read: Learn anywhere, anytime with our comprehensive knowledge-base. Start with the basics, then explore over 1000+ articles covering everything you need to know about Star Citizen.
Veteran players who want to help onboard new players into the ‘verse can sign up to be a guide from the Guide System interface.

Guide System

Star Citizen veterans are out there, taking matters into their own hands, acting as informal guides for an ever-growing number of new players. Inspired by these altruistic deeds, evidenced by countless Spectrum recountings, as well as our own experiences out in the ‘verse, we developed this system to make helping new players an easier and more rewarding process for all of you who take the time to provide a truly hands on learning experience.
New players can pick from the following categories and decide what they want to learn:
  • Basics: Master the basics of traversal, on foot or in a vehicle.
  • Vehicle Combat: Hone your abilities in vehicular mayhem, on the ground or in the air.
  • FPS Combat: Gear up and sharpen your skills in on-foot combat.
  • Mining: Learn the intricacies of mineral excavation for fun and profit, on foot or in a ship.
  • Missions: Find out how to locate the most lucrative contracts and business opportunities in the ‘verse.
  • Trading: Become a deft interstellar merchant and reap the rewards.
  • Touring: Discover the finer points of touring the galaxy, from exploring popular locales to uncovering mysterious secrets.
  • Miscellaneous: Want to learn something not covered in the previous proficiencies? You’ve come to the right place.
Excited about what you see? Well, this is only our first iteration, and we’ve got big plans for the future. Check out some of the content still in the works:
  • In-game Guide System integration
  • In-Game Guide identifiers (patches, armor, and more)
  • A robust Guide rewards & incentives program
  • And more!
With the deploy of this new system, we’ll be monitoring Guide interactions and relevant data closely, which will help inform further improvements to the tools. While additional incentives and rewards are still under development, we’re going to tally up all Guide interactions between now and January 1st, 2020, and will award the top Guide in each proficiency category with a special prize, to be announced soon. It should be noted that we have the ability to monitor and verify all Guide interactions, and will disqualify any players attempting to game the system.
This is only the beginning, and we’re looking forward to building this out further alongside all of you. Let us know your thoughts – we’re looking forward to hearing your feedback on Spectrum. Lastly, we want to take the time to thank all of the Guides out there who take the time to help others. Community is the foundation of everything we’re building, and you’re at the core of that.

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