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May 19th 2020

Invictus Launch Week 2950 Details

Welcome To Fleet Week

To The Convention Center!

Invictus Launch Week, also commonly known as Fleet Week, is the period between Emancipation Day and Armistice Day that marks the beginning of the new recruitment year for the UEE Navy.

From May 22 until June 2, celebrate the military might of the UEE with a display from the UEE’s awe-inspiring naval fleet.

The celebration gives all players the opportunity to see some of the ‘verse’s biggest, best and most iconic ships up close at the Bevic Convention Center at Area18 on ArcCorp.

We’ve created a handy infographic to help you get exactly where you need to go. Check it out here and we’ll see you at the show!

Take To The Skies

Fly For Free!

To celebrate Invictus Launch Week, we’re hosting a Free Fly of epic proportions! All you need to do is sign up for an account, download the game, and you’re set to play for free for the duration of the event. Most ships on display are available to test-fly for free, so just select the ship you want, and take to the skies.

Different manufacturers take over every other day, so keep checking back to be inspired by everything the event has to offer.

All ships available for the Free Fly will also be available in the pledge store during the event on their designated manufacturer days. We’ll also make available a selection of ships that won’t be apart of the Free Fly, but will still be available on the pledge store. Which ones? Think firepower! It is a military show after all.

Prepare yourself for the Free Fly with our detailed schedule here.

Calling It Home

Paint and You!

With the release of Alpha 3.9.1 and the introduction of Invictus Launch Week (Star Citizen’s Fleet Week), we’re excited to introduce a number of changes to how you can make your ship your own.

Learn more in our latest update here.

Blue And You

Flight Ready!

So, maybe Drake is a bit salty that they weren’t formally invited to attend Invictus Launch Week, but that’s not going to stop them from putting on a show. With the launch of Alpha 3.9.1, all existing Cutlass Blue pilots will find that the Cutlass Blue is ready to take to the skies. That’s right – the Cutlass Blue is here!

Don’t currently have a Cutlass Blue? Fear not! Not only will Drake’s latest and greatest become available on May 30th when Drake Interplanetary takes over Fleet Week, but it will also be available to test fly for free as part of the event!

Strut Your Stuff

New Merchandise!

Get ready for a bevy of Fleet Week themed merchandise, but that’s not all!

We’ve heard the feedback that you want manufacturer themed merchandise and are excited to rollout some fresh new items alongside Drake’s presence at Invictus Launch Week on May 30th.

Also, for the duration of Fleet Week, we’re giving all Subscribers an additional 10% off new merch!

Want to know more? Check back soon…

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