Happy Monday, everyone! Dive in and find out what’s happening, This Week in Star Citizen!
What does a vehicle concept artist do? Join us today as we sit down with members of the Vehicle Concept Team to explore the various elements that go into their work, including career paths, inspiration, challenges, and more.
We’re excited to share an update on some of the events we’ll be attending, including some starting very soon!
Welcome to February’s PU Monthly Report! Read on for all the latest updates from the developers working on the Persistent Universe, including the AI, Core Gameplay, Narrative, Missions, Tech Design, and UI teams.
Welcome to your Ship Owner’s Guide, your go-to resource for understanding the mechanics of power, heat, and signature.
March is upon us and with it comes Stella Fortuna, the UEE holiday that encourages participants to tempt fate. Luckily, the recent Alpha 4.0.2 release gives you plenty of opportunity to do just that with the new Supply or Die mission chain.
Stay up to date with everything going on in the ‘verse.
Attention, subscribers: The February 2025 issue of Jump Point is now available in the Subscriber section of your account.
The Stanton system has been left in political and emotional turmoil this week after the shocking revelation of the Slicers’ true identity.
How will you take part in the pivotal moments shaping the ‘verse’s future? Tune in for a first look at the next chapter of Pyro’s ongoing conflict, coming in Alpha 4.0.2.