WARNING: This version of Arena Commander will delete your Hangar’s “USER” folder. If you have stored screenshots or other information, please move them before patching.
IMPORTANTNOTE: In order to take off in the dogfighting module, you must pick up the HELMET located on a pedestal in your Hangar. Once you have picked up the helmet, enter an AC ELIGIBLESHIP (F7C Hornet, Aurora or 300i) to take off. Note that if you have additional versions of each eligible ship (ie, two 300is) only one of them will allow you access to Arena Commander.
HORNETPILOT’S NOTE: Please be aware that the Gatling guns on your Hornet can overheat and explode! Be careful with the trigger to ensure you don’t lose your weapons while in flight.
Known Issues
No way to easily distinguish dogfighting eligible ships from ineligible ones.
There are multiple issues with the persistence system that can cause ship loadouts to not appear and bugs with the helmet in the hangar. Easy workaround for most issues is to delete your “USER” folder inside the game client.
Having multiple input devices connected (I.E. Joystick + Gamepad) will cause conflicts between the throttle settings when certain actions are performed like changing flight modes or receiving damage with hit impulses
Hangar – Art – X55 debug text appears in key bindings menu
Some combinations of computer hardware can sometimes experience graphical glitches and artifacts.
Ship collisions with environmental objects needs tuning and refinement for proper damage attribution.
All Maps – Gameplay / Weapons – The flare countermeasure doesn’t always cause missiles to miss and follow it
Player cockpit animations and enter/exit animations still need some improvements
Infrequent crashes still occur during gameplay in special circumstances and after extended periods of play
Issues with scoreboard display when awaiting respawn or in 3rd person perspective.
Radar and signature system still needs improvement for occlusion handling and a balance pass to increase the variability of radar effectiveness.
When ejecting from the ship after the character pulls the ejection handle he tposes for a few frames before ejecting
When ejecting at high speeds you go into the cockpit a little bit before impulsing up
Particle effect remains indefinitely after gatling gun is destroyed
Some users are reporting a bypassable “No Disk in Drive” error when updating
Render thread spikes could cause performance issues
Bitching Betty may announce ‘system overheating’ at incorrect times
Missing chair whilst the player is ejecting in first person view
Camera transitions between the three animation states of ejection have large glitching issues.
Some foot IK animation errors when walking inside Constellation
Camera spins wildly when third person is activated after ejecting
On the Aurora the fixed weapon aiming reticule turns green when pointing directly at the target or behind the target’s direction
Blacking out can happen too easily sometimes
Buggy can sometimes slide around and flip over
Buggy can sometimes not accelerate unless turbo is applied (Shift)
Badger Repeater weapon geometry becomes offset when fired from the firing range
Near impossible to navigate Arena Commander UI using Oculus Rift
Some users can experience an issue of falling through the elevator floor when using lower spec machines
The Outfit Changer has been temporarily disabled
Clicking the launch button on the Arena Commander UI multiple times can cause undesired behavior
Vanduul Swarm
All Maps – Vanduul Swarm – Gameplay – If pausing as the game loads into the level, the player will be left on a black screen indefinitely
All Ships – Vanduul Swarm / DFM_Survival – Art – There is a green, occasionally graphically corrupt, bar present when the player kills an enemy
Vanduul Swarm / DFM_Survival – AI – The Ai controlled wingmen are too quickly overheating their own Gatling guns to the point of destroying them
Dying Star – Vanduul Swarm – Gameplay – Wave 7 didn’t spawn in during Vanduul Swarm (only once)