


July 31st 2014

Star Citizen Patch V0.8.5
  • Additions/Improvements
    • Added subscriber jukebox
    • Adding cockpit shaking and sounds from damage and impacts
    • Missile sounds polished and improved
    • Additional shield sounds added (power down, power up, taking damage)
    • Added new Vanduul ship designated [REDACTED] by UEE Naval Command
    • Added Victory/Defeat/Draw message on end of round scoreboard
    • Added voice over announcement to denote which team has won the round
    • Added additional Hornet top bar warning lights
    • Freelancer bunk beds now interactable
    • Freelancer bathroom and toilet now interactable
    • Revised the Aurora interior to increase fidelity
    • Added Aurora warning indicator lights
  • Balancing

** 300i
*** Power plant charge reduced
*** Thruster power drain decreased
*** Shield HP increased
*** Shield regen delay decreased
*** Hull piece health increased

** Aurora
*** Shield HP reduced
*** Shield regen delay increased
*** Shield changed from bubble shield to a front/rear shield
*** Shield face power allocation rate reduced

** Hornet
*** Thruster health increased
*** Shield regen delay increased
*** Health values for shield and ship parts modified to impart a sturdier feel

** Mantis Gatling Gun
*** Damage decreased
*** Heat per shot increased

** Bulldog Repeater
*** Power recharge rate has been decreased
*** Repeater fire rate increased

** Badger Repeater
*** Increased rate of fire

** Behring M3A
*** Rate of fire decreased
*** Damage increased

** Omnisky VI
*** Damage decreased
*** Rate of fire decreased
*** Bullet mass increased (to knock around ships with more force)

** Missiles
*** Damage decreased
*** Missiles now properly deal damage to the shields instead of going straight to the hull

** Vanduul Scythe
*** Decreased shield regeneration

  • Networking Improvements
    • Fixed issues that resulted in being kicked back to hangar during match load
    • Positional correction fixes to reduce rubberbanding
    • Failed connection attempts to HubServer will now timeout after 10 seconds
    • Removed socket disconnections due to login timeouts
    • Networked physics is now independent of frame rate
    • Reduced server load caused by console logging
    • Creation of http interface to capture server statistics
    • Fixed players not connecting to matchmaker
    • Added a handshake system to guarantee the correct initialization of servers
    • Server-to-server connection improvements
    • Adjusted ship network packet priorities
    • Fix for disconnections while in the hangar
    • Reworked network correction to use network sync’d packets and direct physics pushes instead of IFCS system
    • Greatly reduced hitching and performance issues associated with players joining or exiting a match
  • Fixes
    • Mantis cannons no longer takes damage without overheating
    • Player can no longer zone into a match standing in the cockpit
    • Helmet is no longer invisible
    • Fixed 300i landing gear placement
    • Fixed rare crash when loading into Vanduul Swarm
    • Fixed crash when receiving connection error
    • Fixed crash caused by players spawning on top of each other at beginning of map
    • CPU optimizations to improve client performance
    • Gatling gun audio stops when no longer firing
    • Destroying an asteroid no longer counts as a final kill
    • Energy bolts now scale properly when fired to the side
    • Winning music no longer plays at match end for losing team. You get nothing, you lose, good day sir.
    • Fixed ships in holotable no longer showing hologram model
    • Notifications, points, scoreboard and timer should now show in third person
    • Player movement prevented when interacting with helmet stand
    • Friendly killed audio no longer plays Hostile Eliminated, Target Destroyed or Enemy down
    • Removed use icon on ladder
    • Correct game mode descriptions added in Arena Commander UI
    • Adjusted bloom of objects on radar
    • Projectiles scale properly when firing in decoupled mode
    • Particle emitters now properly destroy themselves, reducing lag
    • Ship Energy system optimizations
    • Fix for sound velocity/speed being calculated incorrectly if its position is changed multiple times per frame.
  • Known issues
    • Weapon ammo shown as missile rack models in holotable
    • Gap in geometry can be seen between the engine and fuselage on 325a, and 315p ships
    • Exiting the Freelancer variant starboard top bunk results in character becoming stuck in a falling state
    • After respawn a rare issue can occur where the character’s head shakes uncontrollably
    • After exiting a vehicle the third person camera can become slightly tilted
    • Unable to enter the Avenger ship
    • Avenger ship missing wheels
    • Arena Commander Menu lists the incorrect Hornet version

End Transmission



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