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January 6th 2014

Ask a Developer Forum Update

Ask a Developer Forum Update

Greetings Citizens,

We are revamping the “Ask a Dev” area of the RSI forums to make it easier to have your answered by Star Citizen’s developers! Due to the proliferation of repeated questions and continued confusion among those not familiar with individual members of the team, we are switching from threads for individual developers to topics that will allow you to interact with the entire team. The forum will now be divided into areas for each development discipline of each portion of Star Citizen in development. As we shift the focus to future modules, more threads will be added to cover them! Team leads will be responsible for making sure their teams keep dev threads up to date and that everyone working on Star Citizen continues to interact with the community.

Previous threads will be archived in the forums for future reference.

You can find links to the new topics below:

Hangar Module

Dogfighting Module

Squadron 42

Persistent Universe


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