“When I tell people I’m a hauler, they instantly assume I got some lump of a ship. That it can’t be sexy. I’ll tell ya. There ain’t nothing better than seeing their face drop once my Kore goes vertical.”
- Karl Mimsy, Independent Hauler
Reliant Kore: Flight Ready

The 2946 MISC Reliant is cleared for launch. Featuring a distinct flying-wing shape, extensive cargo room, unique weapons mounts and Xi’An influenced technology, this new addition to MISC’s lineup is sure to be popular around the inhabited universe. Planned as a ‘starter ship’ for new pilots, the Kore variant of the Reliant is a hauler with additional speed and dogfighting capabilities not found in a dedicated freighter ship.
In fact, the Kore was designed specifically by MISC to act as a balanced support its own Hull series. While the Hull line is solely dedicated to moving cargo from point to point with little interference, the nimble and better-armed Reliant is ideal for journeys that might involve an engagement or two. The Reliant has recently been approved for sale and flight around the inhabited galaxy.