There's no shortage of carnage this weekend, with both Jumptown and Nine Tails Lockdown returning to Stanton. Take to the skies with your friends; perish or profit, that's up to you.
Open the Mission Manager in your mobiGlas and navigate to the Priority category, either under the General tab for the lawful path or Personal for unlawful. This will give you both the coordinates of the drug lab and where to sell the packages.
The drug lab will be marked on your HUD and the Starmap. It may be in Crusader, microTech, or ArcCorp space. If you're on the lawful path, you'll be taking the drugs to the corresponding LEO stations (Port Olisar, Port Tressler, or Baijini Point, respectively), which will also be marked on your HUD. If on the unlawful path, you'll be traveling to Grim HEX for your payout.
Once you arrive at the lab, your goal is to find the drug spawner inside (pictured here). This device will pump out one box of contraband every 30 seconds. This timer doesn't start until you grab the previous box, so you'll have to hold your position against anyone else looking for the same payday if you want to maximize your earnings.
An audible warning will sound to notify all players of a station in distress due to the Nine Tails gang. After several warnings, a priority mission will become available in the General tab of your mobiGlas, with a second mission to deal with the Nine Tails blockade becoming available when you arrive at the distressed station.
Fend off waves of attacks to protect lawful scanning ships that are searching for the Nine Tails fleet. Remember, though, that players can choose to join the Nine Tails, which means these PVE encounters can quickly turn into an all-out PVP brawl. Definitely bring backup and watch your back!
After breaking through the Nine Tails blockade, you'll receive a follow-up mission (also a priority mission in the general tab of your mobiGlas) to neutralize the Nine Tails fleet. You will need to be in the distressed area for this mission to populate. At this stage, things get wild as the Nine Tails gang brings out their biggest guns for a battle of epic proportions.