The Narrative Team answers your questions about the Valakkar, meaning of ATLS, whether Terra is safe from the Vanduul, and much more.
Meet the first Banu to contact Humans and more in this month’s Galactapedia update.
An investigation into why the Banu festival of Luminalia lasts 34,000 beats.
Learn about the history of Argo Astronautics in this month’s Galactapedia update.
The Gladius redefined the role of a light fighter to become a stalwart of the UEE Navy for centuries.
Learn about some of the ‘verse’s plants in this month’s Galactapedia update.
What began as a spectrum channel launched by two students evolved into the premiere amateur racing league thanks to their commitment to creating tracks anyone could run.
Despite safety issues with the original design, the Idris evolved into the Navy’s most famous frigate and became highly desired on the civilian market.
Tour the moons of the Sol system in this month’s Galactapedia update.
The Narrative Team answers your questions about how XenoThreat keeps sneaking into Stanton, how old you need to be to join the UEE Navy, and much more.