Supply or Die

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Horizon Research Incorporated / 0112358111

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Engineering



10.06.2945 SET – Vanduul Attack the Vega System

“We would just like to inform all of our coworker’s families that there were no Horizon Research Ships in the Vega system at the time of the attack. All of our transport ships to and from the Vega system have been rerouted or held until the UEE has cleared the area. Our thoughts and prayers go out to those affected by this horrible attack, and we hope for a swift resolution.” – Carol Bond, Chief of Public Relations, HRI


04.13.2944 SET – Horizon Research Hires on New CEO

Horizon Research, a company mired with troubles, has recently replaced it’s now criminal ex CEO. Cleveland Dawson, the relatively new VP of Technology has been chosen after months of internal debate between managers.

“My main goal during my tenure here at Horizon Research will be restoring the company to its former greatness. I was never a part of the corruption of this company’s past, and I remain adamant that we can recover the public’s trust and support in our operations.” – Moro Aydo, CEO, HRI


10.16.2943 SET – Horizon Research Incorporated CEO Indicted on Corruption Charges

In an astounding turn of events the CEO of Horizon Research, Ward Yeatman, was taken into custody by the Advocacy today.

“This is a big success for the Advocacy. We have been trying for many years to gather enough evidence to indict those responsible for the gross misuse of government funds we’ve seen in the Archangel Project. Horizon Research is a major culprit in this matter. While the UEE has managed to avoid some damage by cancelling the contract HRI held, the company still made a large profit through the corruption of certain government officials.” – Unnamed Advocacy Official

Horizon Research’s stock has dropped to record lows, and the company has already announced a massive downsizing effort in addition to the previous cost cutting measures they have enacted.

– New United NewsOrg


11.21.2940 SET – Horizon Research Announces First Round of Downsizing.

“We have a much lower personnel requirement with the absence of our main government contracts. At this time we are planning to cut roughly 20% of our workforce, in addition to another 20% over the next 2 years. We will be constantly reevaluating how many employees we need and will do our best to keep the downsizing to a minimum.” – Carol Bond, Chief of Public Relations, HRI


07.08.2937 SET – Horizon Research’s Contract Cancelled

As stocks for HRI had just begun to stabilize, the stock dropped substantially yesterday over the announcement that the UEE was cancelling HRI’s 50 year contract 7 years early, stating that with the current corruption investigation it was now becoming a conflict of interest for the UEE to stay involved with HRI. The official we spoke to did state that future contracts are still an option once the investigation was complete. He also stated that the UEE would like to ensure its constituents that the investigation was still ongoing, and that it takes time for these large investigations to be completed.

– New United NewsOrg


10.05.2932 SET – Horizon Research Inc. Acquires Small Salvage Company

Horizon Research made headlines again today with the purchase of HALFBad Salvage & Security. HRI has stated that with its continuous expansion the company has grown in need of both larger salvage and security capabilities than the company’s internal departments can manage. HRI has stated that they will not be assimilating the company and its assets, rather choosing to keep them as a subsidiary under separate management.

Some interest groups question the HRI’s motives, questioning why they would be purchasing a salvage and security company now, despite having seemingly managed their own over the many years it has been a company.

At this time, no HRI official would comment on the reason for their acquisition of HALFBad.

– Terra Gazette NewsOrg


07.29.2931 SET – Horizon Research Officially Under Investigation by the Advocacy

The Advocacy announced today that it has launched an official investigation into Horizon Research looking at possible corruption. Horizon Research CEO Ward Yeaton stated that the investigation was completely unwarranted.

“Horizon Research Inc is a valued contributor to the Archangel Project, and the allegations against the company are unwarranted” – Ophelia Pearson, Chief of Public Relations, HRI

This investigation follows years of unrest among many groups regarding the controversial “Project Archangel” a project that is not foreseen to be completed at all in the near future. Many are calling for abandonment of the project citing a gross overuse of funds.

– Terra Gazette NewsOrg


05.38.2920 – Project Archangel a Doomed Project?

Horizon Research continues to work on the disaster that is Project Archangel. As one of the larger contract holders HRI takes in millions of UEC each year from the UEE. But what has it actually done?

The Money Pit

– Terra Gazette NewsOrg


02.23.2913 SET – Horizon Research Data Breach

A group of unnamed hackers have uncovered potentially incriminating documents stating that the CEO of Horizon Research, Ward Yeatman, has been complicit to the act of bribery. The documents bear the HRI logo, and show a clear intent to bribe government officials to look the other way while the group performs unnamed actions in a sector of the Chronos System outside of their research area.

Officials from the UEE and HRI refused to comment.

– Watchdog Information NewsOrg


01.19.2894 SET – Horizon Research Inc. Enters New Contract with the UEE

Horizon Research Inc. has entered into a new contract with the UEE for additional research for Project Archangel. CEO Ward Yeatman announced that the company had also made a substantial breakthrough in their research, and that while he was not allowed to discuss it due to NDA’s with the UEE, he was willing to state that without the breakthrough the company would not have received a longer contract.

“We have just signed a 50 year contract with the UEE. This will allow Horizon Research to reach unprecedented levels of research capabilities. We look forward to continuing our support for one of the largest projects in Human history.” – Ward Yeatman, CEO, HRI

There have been comments from certain groups regarding shady business practices that the company may have been involved in. However, no substantial evidence has surfaced to substantiate these claims. HRI and the UEE both deny these allegations, calling them unfounded and slanderous.

– Terra Gazette NewsOrg


11.23.2893 SETHRS Discovery Disaster

The HRS Discovery, Horizon Research’s flagship, was pronounced destroyed with all 16 crewmember’s lives lost early yesterday morning.

“We are deeply saddened by this tragedy. While conducting routine research in a remote part of the Chronos System, the HRS Discovery had a hull breach created by an unknown source. While we are not sure what happened next, another failure in the ship caused a catastrophic failure in the main power plant, causing several smaller explosions across the ship. This led to an almost instantaneous loss of life support systems and communications. By the time help arrived, it was too late for the crew. No escape pods were launched and it appears there were no survivors.

Among the dead was our CEO, Conrad Sinclair, who died doing what he loved. Our VP of Research, Ward Yeatman, will be stepping up as the new CEO of HRI.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the crewmembers of the HRI Discovery.” – Ophelia Pearson, Chief of Public Relations, HRI

Officials from the UEE had no comments for us, but locals in the area believe that this might have happened due to an increased presence of Vanduul in the area, although this cannot be confirmed.

HRI’s stock plummeted 5% following the announcement.

– New United NewsOrg


05.14.2890 SET – Horizon Research Inc. IPO

Horizon Research Inc. became a publicly traded company today. Having rapidly expanded in size and capability, the company has decided to seek additional funding through investors. Early market trading saw stock prices gain considerably, and the markets closed up almost 17%.

“Horizon Research is growing well beyond the scope I had originally seen for it. We are eternally grateful for the support we’ve received from the community and the UEE. We are already in new contract talks with the UEE to continue our research with regards to Project Archangel.” – Conrad Sinclair, Founder, HRI


03.15.2881 SET – Horizon Research Inc. Receives First Contract

A new company by the name of Horizon Research Incorporated recently signed a 15 year contract for research support on the UEE’s Archangel Project. The company is primarily tasked with location and displacement research involving the future Synthworld. An unnamed UEE representative, who asked to remain anonymous as he was not allowed to publicly comment on the details of the contract, has told us that they look forward to the company’s work, and see a bright future for the company. Our source refused to divulge the cost of the contract.

– New United NewsOrg


12.27.2879 SET – Horizon Research Inc. Founded

Horizon Research Incorporated was founded today by Conrad Sinclair, a former UEE scientist.

“What I wanted to do fell out of the UEE’s scope, and it became apparent that I would need to take action if I wanted to research important topics. Horizon Research’s team includes a few top notch scientists from around the Universe and we hope that we’ll be able to affect change in our time here.” – Conrad Sinclair, Founder, HRI


03.05.2872 – Project Archangel

Project Archangel is a UEE-led initiative to literally build a planet from scratch. Humanity has finally come up with a solution that avoids the complicated moral minefield of terraforming. No longer will we have to convert pre-existing planets. Now we can build them. Though the technology is not completed, scientists believe that they will be able to attempt building a prototype world within our lifetime. – Peter Marx

Behold Sisyphus

– New United NewsOrg


Horizon Research Inc. is a for profit company that performs a mixture of deep space exploration and research roles. We maintain a large fleet of ships that can be modified for the specific task we have been given. We do not maintain a large security fleet in the main company, the large majority of our security assets belong to HALFBad Salvage & Security, our subsidiary company.

Horizon Research is open to contracts with any entity, however the company holds a firm policy against piracy. We have a long standing history with the UEE and its associates, and must maintain our appearance to secure further contracts through them.


Horizon Research Institute prides itself on delivering timely and effective results. The company continues to hold its members accountable to a high degree of excellence.

Section 1 – Employee Conduct

  1. Employees will be courteous when working with other companies and interest groups. As such, employees are expected to:
    1. Limit vulgar or foul language whenever possible.
    2. Refrain from firing upon other ships, unless:
      1. Fired upon
      2. In territory defined as hostile, where there is a reasonable assumption that an outside ship is a threat. Actions should be taken to mitigate engagements whenever possible, to include a warning shot prior to engaging another ship.

Section 2 – Job Acquisition and Acceptance

  1. Employees may take it upon themselves to accept jobs that can be performed without company support. Employees are expected to return a percentage of the profits to Horizon Research upon completion of their task to continue company development.
  2. Jobs involving multiple company ships and/or assets will need to be greenlit by a Board Member. The profits from the job will be distributed by Horizon Research.
    1. If there is no board member currently present or available, a Fleet Commander or Department Head can sign off on the mission if they deem it acceptable. Board approval will happen at a later date.

Section 3 – Harrassment and EO Policy

  1. Horizon Research has a zero tolerance policy for harassment of any kind. If an employee feels they are being harassed or unfairly treated, they should report this to their Department Head. Employees should also feel free to bring the problem up with a Fleet Commander, A Board Member, or the CEO if they feel that the proper action was not taken,
  2. Horizon Research Institute is an equal opportunity employer regardless of species, race, color, religion, creed, sex, marital status, national origin, disability, age, veteran status, on-the-job injury, sexual orientation, political affiliation or belief.
  3. Accusations of harassment or EO complaints that are later deemed to be false or in an attempt to ruin another employee’s reputation will result in termination of the false accuser.

Section 4 – Funds Management

Upon completion of the job, all funds will be collected and distributed as follows.

  1. Corporation Horizon Research will take 30% of the job pay, to be spit the following ways.
    1. 10% Company Development Fund
    2. 10% Ship Maintenance Fund
    3. 10% Employees Incentives Fund
  2. Employees
    The remaining 70% of funds will be payed to employees. Only those partaking in the jobs will receive payment upon the completion of them.

Section 5 – Pay

  1. Employee Pay
    1. Employees will be paid in a reasonable time period after the completion of a job. If an employee has not been paid for a job when they should have been, it is up to the employee in question to talk to their Department Head.
  2. Payscale
    The initial amount will be split by the number of members in a specific paygrade. Excess pay that would amount to pay inversion will be deposited in the Company Development Fund.
    1. Board Members – 6%
    2. Fleet Commander – 8.5%
    3. Department Head – 11%
    4. Senior Technician – 13.5%
    5. Technician – 15%
    6. Associate – 16%
  3. Absence of an employee rank.
    In the event that there is no employee of a given paygrade the money from that grade will be distributed in one of two ways.
    1. Absence of the paygrade Department Head or higher will be payed to the company
    2. Absence of the paygrade Senior Technician or lower will be payed to the Employee Incentives Program.
  4. Crew Incentives Program
    1. Horizon research offers a 10% bonus for employees that are willing to work on ships they don’t own.
  5. Employee Incentives Program
    1. This program is only available to those holding the rank of Senior Technician or below.
    2. A section of all profits Horizon Research collects will be set aside for periodic incentives programs. These will be determined and will happen at the discretion of the Board Members. Incentives may include bonuses, new ships, weapons, ship modifications, and others.
  6. Hazardous Job Pay
    1. On jobs deemed hazardous, the employee will receive a predetermined additional payment not to exceed 5% of the job pay.
    2. On jobs deemed extremely hazardous, the employee will receive a predetermined payment not to exceed 15% of the job pay.
  7. Payscale Modification
    Horizon Research reserves the right to modify any of the above payscales if deemed necessary to remain financially profitable.