Market 1 / 111

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Trading
  • Social

You’ve connected to Market 1

For Buyers
Find any item or service, even if blacklisted by the UEE. All sales final.

For Sellers
List any item or service on the Market. We’ll coordinate and protect the Transaction.

Join Market 1
See Charter for information.


The market has been open since pre-alpha. Our mission is to offer the most exclusive items and services in the verse, including listings not found on other markets. We have no rules for what can be sold/bought (even items blacklisted by the UEE) and all transactions are kept anonymous. Examples of listings include:

Snub, Fighter, Multi-crew, Profession
Firearms, Explosives, Ammunition, Torpedoes, Missiles
Drop-offs, Transports, Security Escorts, Bounties, Repair/Refuel, Information Running
Raw/Refined Materials, Blueprints, Maps

View Listings:
[invite only]


The intentions of the Market are clear:
Everything has a price. Regardless of UEE certification, all items and services can be listed on the market.

-Reps can have Market 1 as their main org, or as an affiliated org. In addition, members can choose to be visible or redacted on the membership page.
-It is left up to Market 1 reps to either work alone on trades (and keep all the commission), or as a team and split the commission. Teams may be required when facilitating larger transactions.
-Unless otherwise noted, Market 1 reps are independent contractors. Those that would like to move up in rank and have more input in the market may apply to do so.
-Reps have final say when facilitating transactions. However, should any Market 1 rep “burn” a client, they will be removed from the org.

-The goal is to have as many affiliated reps as possible so that there is adequate coverage for all timezones.
-While there are Market 1 resources, the majority of equipment used (ships, fuel, etc.) will need to be provided by the representative, as vendors are affiliates.


The rules are simple:
  1. All sales are final.
  2. All Sales are anonymous.
  3. Once an agreement has been made, you must stick to it.

Failure to adhere rules will result in being banned from the market.

Play nice. Make credits. Have Fun.

Attention leaders of service orgs: Because of the wide range of items and services that can be listed on the market, we rely on our vendors heavily. We are actively looking to add affiliates to list their items and services! Specifically, if you are the leader of an org specializing in a service such as:
  • security
  • cargo transport
  • mining
  • bounty hunting
  • repair/refuel
  • salvage
  • other

If you fit this criteria please apply now or message NightoftheJ for more information.