Supply or Die

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EACW / 45414357

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Smuggling


Our Mission:

  • Keep it simple
  • If we can’t keep it simple then complicate the hell out of it
  • Avoid technical discontent and malnutrition among all fellow citizens


Today, it is generally assumed, not only among “nay-sayers” and those of weak moral character, the members of the EACW organization are perceived as weak, lowly, lacking in reason and intelligence, and hence naturally suited to serve, obey and carry out their natural duties as defined by universal design. It is only natural that the EACW organization remains in the confines of a secure arena and abide by a set of narrowly defined rules as they couldn’t be trusted to do it any other way.
Is this fair, unjust or just a bit of historical rhetoric? While it is possible to investigate as far back into the regions where time began, let us rather look at a bit of more recent EACW history…
EACW (Eastside Arm Chair Warriors) was founded in 1998 in Kirkland, Washington, United States of America, Planet Earth, in the SOL solar system found in the Milky Way galaxy. It was in a damp, dark, basement room belonging to one of the original founders that the name, Eastside Arm Chair Warriors, was contrived and afterwards applied to a small band of underground, wanna-be gamers. In those days, to be a member of any kind of questionable, anti-establishment mob was considered “wicked awesome”. To own a website representing your organizational entity was almost a level of stature that the ordinary wanna-be’s of gamer lifestyle couldn’t quite afford or attain. But with the advantageous association with a now immortal porn king site admin/owner, the members of EACW have been forever immortalized by visual and noted inclusion at a lesser known web site URL:
While some members were completely opposed to the idea of being immortalized in a public venue, others saw it as a means to publicly embarrass those particular whining members. Since there was only one actual admin for the website the original configuration and format has been retained and left in its original archaic state.

ORGANIZED GAMING HISTORY While the original gaming history for EACW has old and nostalgic merits, there have been a number of multiplayer gaming applications enjoyed by the original EACW brood. Find below a short but, comprehensive list of those titles:
  • Command General
  • Command & Conquer series
  • Counter-Strike series
  • Doom series
  • Dungeon Keeper series
  • Earth and Beyond
  • Half Life series
  • Hero’s of Might & Magic
  • Mass Effect
  • Mech Warrior
  • Medal of Honor
  • Never Winter Nights series
  • Portal series
  • Quake series
  • Red Faction
  • Team Fortress
  • Torchlight series
  • Total Annihilation series
  • Unreal Tournament series
  • Warcraft series
  • Wing Commander: Armada
  • Wofenstein series

Real life goes on but, the Eastside Arm Chair Warriors will sometimes become “occasional”. Yes… its true. However, all of us in the organization are looking forward to joining in the adventure and mayhem that Star Citizen will offer. The excitement factor is high and so are the stakes as most of us this time around are indeed Original Backers yet not considered “high dollar” backers. The title “Original Backers” is enough for some us with thin pockets.
Will the Eastside Armchair Warriors hold their own in the Star Citizen universe? Probably not. But, in the end, anything worth doing should be done regardless if the inevitable outcome is failure!

Absolutely none. This publication provides very little information about the Eastside Arm Chair Warriors organization.
There are no content or technical requirement restrictions.
Material mentioned or described within may be shared and used publicly.

No copyright has been assigned to the Eastside Arm Chair Warriors name but, there is absolutely a real damn website to support the claim!

Preferred citation: [Eastside Arm Chair Warriors]
Item identification: [45414357]
Collection Name: [EACW Organization]
Collection Number: [EACW27.1998]


The prospect for the human race is sombre beyond all precedent. Mankind are faced with a clear-cut alternative: either we shall all perish, or we shall have to acquire some slight degree of common sense. A great deal of new political thinking will be necessary if utter disaster is to be averted. Remember your humanity, and forget the rest.

Bertrand Russell – Albert Einstein


Prepared by: Rayfurdinski

EACW Team Operating Agreement

Purpose of the EACW Team Operating Agreement (TOA):
This TOA serves as the guidelines and ground rules to help the EACW team work most productively together over the course of their existence. The TOA is a living document and may be updated as the need arises. Any updates will be discussed, mulled over and ratified by the EACW team members.

Team Communications:
  • The EACW team site will house the most up-to-date version of members, documents, images and video. Only key Admin team members will be given access to perform updates and to include optional, completely unintelligible information.
  • Meeting agendas could quite possibly be e-mailed to all EACW team members whenever we feel like and not any sooner. This applies to any meetings scheduled or otherwise impromptu.
  • EACW team members will appreciate the sensitive nature of information discussed at any point in time and will share that information with care. Where applicable, documents will include a footer indicating that information is indeed confidential and should NOT be shared with significant others…
  • “Sidebar” conversations between team members during team meetings will, of course, always be encouraged and allowed.
  • All communication will be open and courteous. No “over-talking” or interruptions will be tolerated even though most of us know you’re going to do it anyway.
  • EACW team members will keep each other informed when convenient.
Decision Making:
  1. Consensus means that everyone can live with a decision. It doesn’t mean everyone has to agree 100% so buck-the-hell-up!
  2. Members may abstain from voting if they’d rather not.
  3. Meeting minutes might be created and could document the decisions made provided we can find someone gullible enough to do it. If you have questions after reviewing the minutes, contact the EACW team Admin(s) and determine the best course of action, such as to bring questions to the team for review and discussion one more damn time.
  4. Ideally, no decision is made if there are any thumbs-down votes. Having said that…
  5. The EACW team will use thumbs up/thumbs down voting to make decisions quickly and move on.
    • Thumbs up = everyone agrees for the most part.
    • Big Thumbs up = agree with no further discussion.
    • Thumbs sideways = agree, but don’t really care one way or another.
    • Thumbs down = cannot agree to the solution proposed. (Be prepared to answer the question: What would it take for you to go to thumbs sideways or big thumbs up? How much will it cost and how painful will it be to the rest of the team?) Anyone on the team may call for a re-vote or an extra round of drinks at any time.
  • Who needs them?
  • However, if meetings do accidentally take place, EACW sub-team leaders should consider reporting the status at each team meeting but, really… who the hell cares?
  • Project team members will meet occasionally at any acceptable watering hole or restaurant serving tasty forms of meat and other foodage.
  • Meetings will NOT be held in a “parking lot”.
  • Issues, risks, change requests, and action items could be reviewed and evaluated at each meeting. So there’s that…
  • The EACW Admins will be responsible for facilitating and keeping meetings somewhat entertaining.
  • EACW Team members will accept the project manager’s decision to table or “park” a discussion topic and will never go “under the table” if it actually becomes an option. Thats just not right…
  • Meetings will start and end whenever the hell we want. EACW team members can attend meetings virtually or optionally, in person when feasible.
  • Sending “stand ins” to meetings will not be allowed unless they are of the opposite sex, damn good looking and scantily clad.
    It is the responsibility of each team member to stay current on the EACW team activities, unless they don’t really want to.
Personal Courtesies
  • Each EACW team member can and sometimes will represent a specific area of expertise or business. Team members should bring their individual perspectives to the team and consider what might be best for the EACW as a whole. Bringing money and booze will help a lot too.
  • All cell phones and other communication devices will need to be turned up in volume during meetings as you won’t be able to hear them during the semi-loud background porn music.

Date: 2014/3/3