Andromeda Group / ANDROGROUP

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Trading

AGDA aims to bring you profit and safety with our one of a kind trade packages and security escorts.

Want to enlist? Sign up today, come talk to us on Discord!


The Second Tevarian War and the Roots of the AGDA.

The AGDA was born during the last bitter war against the Teravin. Squadron 42 pilot and AGDA founder Ikarus Rezhnikov was present at the battle of Centauri, where he was wounded during a boarding action. He received an honourable discharge, yet a few months later created the AGDA. With his generous pension and investment from his friends and comrades, he was able to secure a lucrative contract with the UEE to act as a reserve force. The company covered itself in glory during clashes with both Teravin scouts and Vanduul raiding forces, the latter of which earned many members (including Rezhnikov himself) various civilian decorations. Riding on the crest of its success, the AGDA expanded, and in 2638 was awarded a contract to provide security duty during the Kieren Unrest. The work entailed suppression of false information and anything else deemed destabilizing to the UEE. However, rifts in the company over the legitimacy of the UEE and the sympathy for the Kieren protests led to a huge structural purge, with Rezhnikov establishing a formal chain of command and expelling several of the founding members. The company resolved never to again enter into a contract with the UEE. The company reached its zenith with the increasing numbers of Vanduul raiders, necessitating improved merchant protection.


After Rezhnikov died, the company was inherited by Abel Rosnovski: Rezhnikov’s nephew. Rosnovski struggled to guide the company through the Empire’s transitional phase during the 28th Century, The company began to splinter, with many pilots and marines joining activist groups. The UEE’s most renowned PMC became little more than a bounty hunter group, with attacks directed at Empire separatists labeled by Rosnovski as traitors and criminals. After Rosnovski’s capture and execution by rebels, his core group of followers evaporated and the company was acquired by wealthy adventurer Icharus Kane.

*After the Vanduul raid on Bolo, the AGDA once again rose to prominence as panic set in amongst the merchant classes. PMCs were in higher demand than ever, though the AGDA would never again regain the brand image and reputation for excellence it had under Rezhnikov. With Rosnovski’s legacy fading, at last, Kane was able to lead the company effectively and efficiently. AGDA no longer held a monopoly, but it still retained a sizeable share of the PMC market. One of Kane’s most notable business investments was to expand the AGDA from a PMC to a multi-role company by merging his company with Esperia Malmoc Trading giving the AGDA a sizeable quantity of trading ships and expertise expanding the company into merchanting and trade. By re-establishing a corp of combat pilots once more the AGDA self-sustained and protected both it’s security and trading wings by having the two separate squadrons work closely together.

A New Era

Icharus Kane’s leadership saw another era of prosperity for the company. However in recent times, the need for PMC’s has declined as the UEE reached a new era of peace and prosperity with the building of the UEE Ark and the Fair Chance act. With the Settlement Acts and a new wave of frontier colonisation alongside intermittent Vanduul raids the Security squadron has had plenty of business to turn a profit and alongside Esperia’s trade network the AGDA has been steadily growing.


Opening File…
Date 10/11/2789
File is out of date and needs to be updated

“ The AGDA is a PMC group whose primary concern is your satisfaction. We offer our services to those who need protection and are willing to pay for the best. Our group recruits only the most professional personnel. We strive to deliver the best quality service to those who require it. Our services include, but aren’t limited to, the protection of civilian ships, the hunting of criminals and bringing them to justice and the acquisition of data and goods you require! So, speak to your local AGDA representative today and help us help you.”

Opening File…
Date 10/11/2945

“ Welcome to Andromeda Goods and Data Acquisition, part of the Andromeda Group. We run a range of operations from security escort to long distance hauling.

We currently offer these services:

  • Security
    • Private Security Detail (Recruiting)
    • Bounty Hunting Squads (Recruiting)
    • Trade Escort Squadrons (Recruiting)
    • Private Military Contracts. (Recruiting for both officers and pilots)
    • Frontier System Law Enforcement.
  • Logistics
    • Short haul medium to large cargo transport. (Recruiting)
    • Long haul large cargo transport. (Recruiting)
    • Personnel Transport.
    • Science and Exploration Missions (New Department, recruiting)
    • Mining and Salvage (New Department, Recruiting)

Signing up:
  • To sign up each member must conduct a quick interview in the discord with a team leader or above.
  • You must have a microphone.
  • You are expected to be active at least once a week, even if not playing. If you are going away for a while let us know and we’ll mark you down. That’s it! You will be flying with us before you know it.

Current Company Fleet:

  • Company Flag Ship : RSI Polaris

  • Merchant Marine:
    • Banu Merchantmen
    • RSI Constellation Andromeda
    • MISC Gemini
    • Drake Cutlass Black x3
    • Freelancer MAX
  • Security Combat Ships:
    • Aegis Saber Comet: (Stealth Fighter)
    • Aegis Hornet x2: (Medium Fighter)
    • Aegis Superhornet: ( Medium Fighter)
    • Aegis Avenger Titan: (Light Fighter)
    • Drake Cutlass Black x3 (Medium Support/Drop Ship)
    • Drake Buccaneer (Interdiction/Interception/Light Fighter)
    • MISC Gemini (Heavy Support/Dropship)
    • RSI Merlin (Snub Fighter)


Opening File…..
Date: 14/05/2945

Section 1 – General Charter
1) No unnecessary civilian casualties.
2) No stealing of any goods and data acquired for a contact.
3) No boarding civilian ships, boarding is reserved to the capturing of bounties and criminals.
4) Contracts will be upheld to the highest standard if the contract is not completed with the allotted time, the down payment is to be given back to the customer.
5) Fleet ships are to only be used in engagement against criminals, and only under the discretion of the captain of the ship.
6) AGDA employees will be requested to keep customer information private legal or otherwise.
7) AGDA employees will always be kind and caring towards customers.
8) AGDA employees will appear smart for work and will not loiter.
9) AGDA employees will have suitable hygiene for work.
10) The AGDA will always strive for customer satisfaction.

Subsection Charters:

Section 2a – Charter of Security
  • Employees will always respect officers and never question orders.
  • Employees will always be brave in the face of danger.
  • Employees will fight as lions, never surrendering.
  • Employees will respect their opponents, whoever they may be.
  • Employees will not harbor any speciest sentiment. All warriors are a noble challenge.
  • Employees will ensure criminals are brought to justice of the courts and not take part in vigilantism.
  • Employees will understand bounties are issued by the courts, for the courts and will attempt to take prisoners and give quarter.

Section 2b – Charter of Logistics
  • Employees will ensure a fair deal, always.
  • Employees will take on their freight duties with due diligence and care.
  • Employees will not fence stolen goods.
  • Employees will similarly not trade in illegal goods, even privately, whilst under AGDA employ.
  • Employees will understand the risks of long-distance hauling and will take necessary precautions
  • Employees will maintain a good work ethic and deliver goods within a suitable time frame.