Avalon Initiative / AVALONINIT

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Social

Explore, Protect, Inspire.

Visit our discord to start your journey.

[Avalon Initiative Discord]


There was once a dream… That humanity looked up into the stars and wondered, are we alone? What is out there? Can we find a new home? The answer came, but we lost sight of that ambition. We forgot the nature of our resolve: To Explore, To Discover, To Find Home. That’s how it all began.

The year is 2948 and gone are the days of endless exploration. The UEE has expanded and stagnated time and again. Many civilians within the UEE have grown disillusioned with the government’s ability to care for and inspire them.

Thus, an idea was formed deep in the chambers of the UEE Senate, only spoken about in hushed whispers. “What if the empire brought humankind back to its roots?” Finally, a lone Senator was brave enough to say what everyone else thought. “The empire needs to grow again; we can’t allow ourselves to succumb to stagnation lest we end up like the earth rulers of old!” After much deliberation in a closed-door Senate committee, it was there, on the political battlefield, that the Avalon Initiative was born. What was discussed remains a mystery to many, but one thing became clear. Who we are.

The Avalon Initiative is a UEE program to establish a thriving outpost at the very edge of UEE space. Why? To prove that it can be done. We are here to bring humankind back to its roots. To Explore, Protect, and Inspire. To bring the promise and inspiration of home to the furthest reaches of space.

Late in 2948, the senate committee convened again and selected the individual responsible for bringing Avalon to the UEE. Not yet enjoying an official sanction, the Commander was limited to recruiting a core group of individuals who believed enough in bringing the promise of Avalon to the frontier.

In 2949, the Avalon Initiative was granted an official sanction from the UEE. Its Mission: Locate, Settle, and Develop a highly defendable, self-sustainable, and strategically located outpost in the furthest reaches of UEE space from which expeditions of a scientific, military, and economic nature can begin. Not wasting any time, the Initiative got to work.

The Stanton system was chosen as the Initiative’s base of operations for phase 1 testing due to its diverse planets and the large number of independent individuals it houses. In early 2950, the first expedition of phase 1 testing began on MicroTech, where the Initiative tested the first iteration of its Outpost Identification, Survey, and Reconnaissance process.

The year is now 2954; the Avalon Initiative is confident that phase 1 testing has succeeded and plans to proceed to the more dangerous phase 2 in the Pyro system.


Mission Statement

Avalon Initiative is an immersion-focused and interactive Organization. We are dedicated to playing the role of our characters in the Star Citizen verse. This means we play in character for every mission, every landing, every encounter, trade, bounty, and our favorite experience: exploration.

In lore, our mission is to Locate, Settle, and Develop a settlement on the borders of UEE space from which expeditions of a scientific, military, and economic nature can be launched to further humankind.


The Avalon Initiative is something new. Typically, Role Play is pre-planned and, for an MMORPG, over text. In Star Citizen, anything can happen in an instant; the verse is an open world without rules and with no separation between PvP, PvE, or other content. We’re all in one big verse together!

Even though Avalon will be fully immersed in the verse, we will not shy away from PvP; we will conduct any game or player-generated mission. Our goal is to participate in all the game has to offer… In Character.

But how will we do this in real-time? Voice! In Avalon, we fully intend to be in character while in voice. Think of it like a big uncontrolled Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) session without a strict GM guiding the world. The verse is our world, and our limitations are our imaginations.

In lore, our vision is that the Avalon Initiative will unite the adventurous spirits of the UEE by developing a self-sustainable, highly defendable, and strategically located settlement in the farthest reaches of UEE space that will unlock opportunities never seen before for the advancement of humankind.

How we Role Play

Role Play is conducted entirely in voice with our in-game character models as our actors. Emotes are done in real-time, along with every action. There are several forms of Role Play conducted:

1. Social RP: Interactions where there is little to no chance of combat, or combat is not assumed to happen. This is usually done in any setting where relaxed measures can be taken.

2. Alert RP: Alert means that combat is imminent or likely. No emotes, paragraph emotes, or other text-based forms of RP should be used. This typically occurs when a possible threat is sighted, and we can no longer relax in a social RP environment.

3. Combat RP: During combat situations, all Role Play moves to a semi-professional mil-sim style, where commands are issued and acknowledged. This typically occurs in any active combat scenario.

Questions? Message one of our founders on Spectrum or Discord!


Rules and Regulations

Out Of Character:

- Immersion must be your primary goal here.
- Respect all players in the verse.
- Adhere to Avalon regulations.
- No piracy or extreme criminal activity (accidents can be forgiven).

In Character:

- Try to remain in character while RP is being conducted in voice. If you would like to speak OOC, please do this over Discord.
- Be realistic; never subvert game mechanics in place of good storytelling.
- Keep to Star Citizen’s established lore.
- Never blend OOC/IC, Godmod, or use cheats or in-game actions to escape an in-character situation.
- React to the verse; if someone speaks to you in or out of Avalon, do it in character. Bring the verse alive.

Questions? Message one of our founders on Spectrum or Discord!