Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


The Black Wake Brigade / BLACKWAKE

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Resources


Some call us Pirates, some call us Privateers; others call us Mercenaries or Marauders. In the end, we are whatever the frightened mind chooses to see through the thin veil of morality they think protects them from the brutality of existence.

What the victimized don’t understand is that labels mean nothing. It all boils down to who is paying the most and who is still breathing when the smoke clears.

No one is innocent.

Throughout human history, the “righteous” have murdered entire civilizations, assimilated whole cultures and dropped atomic weapons on non-combatant civilians. They then raised a thousand entitled generations who don’t stop to think once about the countless corpses their civilization is built upon; trillions of blind peons who cheer zealously at screens showing their young raping foreign lands under the banner of progress.

Don’t misunderstand; we’ll murder, assimilate and drop bombs on whatever you want. We’ll even rape your foreign lands for you; but we’ll do it for a paycheck, not for Freedom or Justice.

Honor, Pride and Chivalry are all delusions of hypocrites to justify their addiction to wealth and power.

The Black Wake does what it must to survive. We don’t pretend to uphold some greater, virtuous cause or dilute our actions with moral precedence.

We are in this for ourselves, just like everyone else; but without the illusion of righteousness.

Founded by active military members, Black Wake is a place for disgruntled, worn out soldiers to exist without ruffling the sensibilities of those outside the fold.

If you want in, leave your political correctness and sense of entitlement at the door; or we’ll leave you there with it.


Black Wake is a mashup of exiles, renegades and mutineers; all flying under one banner for the simple reason that here, there are few rules.

The Brigade’s sole purpose is to function as a vehicle for the wants and needs of its membership;

We will trade, transport, extract or kill our way to the goals we set.

We do not go out of our way to visit violence upon those who do not pose a threat;

However we are opportunists and will take what is within our grasp.


There is a very thin line between what kind of behavior is acceptable, and what kind is not acceptable within the ranks of the Brigade, but misconduct is not easily discerned. This is by design.

Be yourself.

If you do so and find that you are liked, promoted and given responsibility; then you behaved appropriately.

If you find that you have been shot six times in the back and are being jettisoned from an airlock; then you didn’t make the cut.

We are not here to hold your hand, wipe your tears or cater to your perception of morality.

We are all individuals with a common goal, if you are not moving with us to our objective, you are an obstacle that will be decisively eliminated.