The Black Wind Company / BLACKWIND

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting


The Black Wind Company is a Paramilitary organization that grew out of a loose alliance of former UEE navy, bounty Hunters, traders, pirate elements and ground security forces. Formally founded by Christopher “Wolf” Hyral and “Berserker” [Name Redacted by UEE Records] after their discharge from the UEE Navy under questionable circumstances. . The pair were joined by “Captain Itchy” A pirate pilot of the ship Mandalore’s Bounty. The Organization later branched out from bounty hunting into Mercenary work with the addition of a ground assault and suppression branch headed headed by Johnathan “Bagels” Smith, the head of a small Security company. Operating in the Crusader system since 2942. The Black Wind company has earned a moderate level of respect from local law enforcement and corporate interests due to their professionalism and dedication to completing their contracts, whatever the cost, to the letter. More Recent events in 2951 have seen the group assist in repelling the various pirate threats encroaching on the Stanton system, and their participation in repelling the Ninetails pirate invasion of Orison City has gained them much wider attention, several including several sponsorship deals from Behring Arms and Clark Defense Systems.




1. If you accept a contract. Finish the Mission

2. If you cannot reasonably finish the mission, compensate your employer for their time.

3. Support your brothers in arms in whatever way you are feasibly able to

3. Assist pilots in need if you are feasibly able to. Reputation matters.