Black Lion Service Corporation / BLSCORP

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Resources

Welcome to the Black Lion Service Corporation. Our main focus is the cooperation and coming together as citizens. Everyone will have a dedicated role and place within the Corp, depending on what you enjoy doing the most. Whether you enjoy bounty hunting, mining, trading, Scouting, Salvaging, etc.


The Black Lion Service Corporation was created by Bruna in late 2020 and was named after his platoon he was in when he served in Iraq in the year 2004, with the United States Army. He wanted to name the corporation after them out of memory, respect and honor of those he served with and for those that paid the ultimate sacrifice.


We are looking to expand the corporation and fill our ranks and roles. We plan to build a community of citizens that act as a unit and carry out missions together to build not only friendship, but trust in each other. We want honest and trustworthy citizens, and not those who seek to sabotage the corporation within. If you would like to be apart of this corporation, please feel free to apply. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Bruna.



Rule #1: Respect other Citizens at all times. No trash talking, no abusive language, no derogatory name calling.

Rule #2: You must be a part of the Black Lion Service Corp discord. This is where you will find information, upcoming events, mission plans etc. We act as a group; we perform as a group. If you leave the discord, you will be automatically removed from the corporation.

Rule #3: Keep political talk to a minimum. Respect their opinions and do not judge them based on that. If you do judge them, keep it to yourself.

Rule #4: Please do not post anything in any of the channels that would be considered derogatory to any race, religion, disability, political stand point, etc…Use common sense.

Rule #5: If you are in a voice channel and are live streaming, please inform everyone that comes into the voice chat with you that you are streaming. We do not want you, as the streamer, to be put into a position that could get you possibly banned from the platform.

Rule #6: If you are in a voice channel with someone streaming, keep it professional and respect the person that is streaming. DO NOT discuss anything that could potentially violate the platforms Terms of Service (TOS). If you have to ask if it is a violation of TOS, then do not mention it.

Rule #7: The Black Lion Service Corporation will not tolerate any form of attempted sabotage within the Corp. You will be immediately terminated and a bounty will be placed on your head inside the verse.

Rule #8: You must be an active member within the Corp to receive any form of promotions.

Rule #9: You agree to report any and all violations or attempted sabotages of the corporation by submitting a ticket in the Report Corp Violations section within this Discord. Failure to report knowledgeable violations will result in your termination and removal from the Corp.

Rule #10: Friendly Fire WILL NOT be tolerated at any time against members of the Corp. This means, even if your playing solo and you come across another member of the Corp in the Verse and you open fire on them for no reason, you will be immediately terminated and removed from the Corp and a bounty will be placed on you as this is a form of sabotage. This does not apply if you are practicing ship to ship combat or if both parties agree to battle.

Rule #11: The Black Lion Service Corporation is somewhat an RP Corporation. I would request that while in the Verse, you use the in-game chat options when performing Corporation Roles. Make sure you tweak it to where it does not sound like you are yelling when you are not.

Rule #12: The Black Lion Service Corporation is a community that does not tolerate any toxic members. If you cannot be respectful to members, then leave the Corp. We will not tolerate any bullshit.

Rule #13. Have Fun and Fly Safe