Ballahack Intergalactic / BPMCINT

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Security


Our proud mercenaries conduct operations on the sea, in the air, on land, and just about every venture possible. The incorporation of separate private and military sector divisions allows our crew to run with almost complete autonomy; with all operations being approved by the CEO. In 2017, Ballahack PMC was granted license to operate on United States soil and overlying territories for the United States Government, United States Department of Defense, Internal Affairs Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and any private shareholding company within the United States. This unique status allows us to function with minimal government interference, providing unparalleled security solutions.


Ballahack Private Military Company is a contract company that is headquartered in Los Santos, San Andreas. Our main focus is to provide safety and security to clients in areas inaccessible by law enforcement and military guidelines. We strive to ensure the protection of clients and their assets from any and all threats, foreign and domestic. A majority of our mercenaries have formerly held positions in politics, law enforcement, military, other private security contractors, and government agencies.


Asset Protection
Ballahack Private Military Company offers many services. These include: VIP Protection, Asset Defense and Recovery, Courier Service, Supply Logistics and Procurement, Client-Based and Scenario-Based Training, and Organizational Management. We guarantee top-quality care and enforcement of security of our client’s facilities and assets. Our Private Civilian and Military Contractors will ensure the safety and security of precious cargo under our vigilant surveillance.

Privatized Military Service
Ballahack Private Military Company offers a variety of career opportunities in several professional areas. We recruit highly-qualified and highly-skilled personnel dependent on their skill category. We search for people with commendable prestigious values; accountability, integrity, loyalty and professionalism. Our members live with the greatest quality of life possible with great benefits and bonuses. ​

Crew Consultation
Ballahack Private Military Company offers our unique Crew Consultation™ for organizations in need of tactical and constructive assistance. Upon payment, Ballahack PMC Contractors will be dispatched to supervise their assigned crew and provide their expertise to ensure effective management of crew leadership, fellowship, logistics, combat, etc. Our contractors are trained to assist Military, Civilian, Government, and Business Crews.

Concierge Services
Ballahack Private Military Company offers our Concierge Services for clients that require a professional escort detail with a luxurious aesthetic appeal. Our services are fit to apply most application ranges, and our mercenary contractors are equipped to handle escort detail in all possible conflict environments. Our Concierge Services are categorized as VIP (Low-Level), Representative (Medium-Level), and Presidential (High- Level) protection packages.

Event Security
Ballahack Private Military Company offers Event Security for customers who desire a safe operating environment for their event venture. Our Private Contractors are equipped and trained to handle a wide variety of hosted events such as Car Meets, Air Shows, Business Deals, Limited Time RP Events, Race Venues, etc. Our clients have the choice of utilizing either our Military or Civilian Security Division as their protection detail in order to maintain a certain aesthetic.

Quick Reactionary Forces
Ballahack PMC Quick Reactionary Force (QRF) are highly-specialized personnel capable of responding quickly to emergency situations. QRF Personnel are adaptive to a wide range of scenarios; able to secure and defend assets, equipment, personnel, or positions in a timely manner. The successful execution of BPMC QRF within a trouble spot can be the turning point to any conflict.