Supply or Die

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Bia Vlada Zelus / BVZ

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Piracy

Tired of the Boss always telling you what to do? Ever want to make money on the side without the company taking a cut? Have you ever wanted to engage in activities that are less than legal?

If so, you might be interested in what we have to offer.


In 2927 Ultamon Corp was one of the go to corporations in the Rihlah system based on Shoryu. The Xi’an ran most of the major corporation but the humans were rapidly establishing themselves as equals. Xi’an governors began working on a plan to keep their industries dominant. They established new laws on imports for human goods. Taxes were levied ans as a result the profit margin was heavily impacted. Ultamon Corp began laying people off and expecting more from those that remained with the company. A group of people decided that smuggling and information gathering would be the best course of action to combat this situation.Others felt the best thing to do was to engage in piracy and take what we needed and sell it on the black market. Infighting began and a group of people broke away from the corporation and started their own enterprise.

Bia Vlada Zelus was formed in 2932 under the pretense of establishing a legitimate business front. The caveat is that the founders would eliminate red tape and engage in black market trade when convenient. Instead of focusing on a single purpose the company branched out to include smuggling, piracy, mining, scouting, bounty hunting, and ship upgrades; both legal and illegal. There is also a subset of members who are proficient in being information brokers.

Currently Bia Vlada Zelus has gained recognition as a trust worthy company by both lawful organizations and pirates alike. Their code of honor is absolutely adhered to by each member and fanatically followed.


On the record: We are into trade and lawful services which includes every major profession.

Off the record: We do anything and everything we want to when we want to do it. Bia Vlada Zelus was established as a front company to provide the best goods (legal and illegal) to anyone who wants to buy them.

Our services include:
  • Scouting
  • Information gathering and stealing
  • Mining
  • Interdiction
  • Bounty Hunting
  • Stalking trade lanes
  • Harassment of companies and many more fun and exciting things

We are free of all rule save one.

Honor. Every member must have a strict code of honor they adhere to. Never waver from the code of honor and you’ll be good to go.


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