Supply or Die

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The Cimmerian Syndicate / C1M

  • Syndicate
  • Hardcore
  • Piracy
  • Security

The pirate life isn’t for everyone…

It’s a life of fast-paced action, terror, and when everything goes right, riches.

We are currently recruiting into our syndicate prior to the game going live.

To inquire about joining, feel free to apply or join discord @


The Cimmerian Syndicate was born in the year 2950. Hailing from the founder’s system of Stanton, the Syndicate quickly realized it is more profitable and safer to be nomadic. Moving about the systems as ghost with as little of a trace as possible, the only time you see them is when it is too late.

What started as a wayward group of pirates chasing profits quickly grew as they quickly realized they also had a knack for business and started smuggling contraband for many cartels of Grim Hex into the suburbian eutopia known as New Babbage. What started as a side income project quickly became a massive venture with syndicates members across the system getting the socialites and day traders of the New Babbage hubs their vices.

Through relationships established in the economic hub of New Babbage, The Cimmerian Syndicate’s founder was able to make political connections and establish the syndicate as a respectable and feared group of profiteers.

Through those political connections, the syndicate found themselves at a crossroads as to how to both pirate the open space and maintain the new political relationships guaranteeing safe passage of their shipments into the cities. That is when the founders came up with the Cimmerian Syndicate Charter.


The Cimmerian Syndicate is a business-first organization that puts contracts, agreements, and honor above all else.

Anyone who has entered into a contract with the syndicate will have that contract honored by our entire organization unless one of our charter rules is broken.

Potential Client?

The Cimmerian Syndicate offers protection services at an affordable price. The syndicate offers the following services for hire:

Personal Services
  • Protective Services
  • Mining Permits
  • Escort / Transport
Organization Services
  • Fleets As A Service
  • Mercenary Services
  • Protective Services

Our alleged involvement in Theft, Hacking, Gambling, Kidnapping, Smuggling, Trafficking, Contract Killing, Fencing, and Protection Racketeering are mere allegations and have NEVER been proven in a UEE court system.


Our charter is available on our website and within our discord to both members, clients, and allies.