Announcement of expanded Cloud 9 Framework.
Cloud 9 Games and Olympus Entertainment constitute internal competitions.
External group integrated into framework.
Cloud 9 Games, the Star Citizen org, founded.
C9G guilds, clans, and similar groups formed across games.
Cloud 9, Inc. Steam group founded.
Cloud 9 Games external group founded.
Several additional online games added to group.
Various online games added to group activities.
Cloud 9 founded.
In some ways, the Cloud 9 Games organization is a complement to Cloud 9 Olympus / Olympus Entertainment, in that both organizations align with Imperial Sports Federation, each participates in similar activities, but not all the same, and they will even have internal competitions to help each other make improvements in their shared fields. In that regard, C9G also covers racing, marksmanship, parkour, and industrial competitions, and will coordinate with crews in the Cloud 9 Network, like Vortex Security with marksmanship and both Solaris Resources and QC&L with industrial competitions.
Cloud 9 Games refers to multiple entities, but they all started with the external group that predates all of our groups except the original Cloud 9. The original C9G was created so that members of the Cloud 9 organization could form groups in various online games.
While being a recent and fitting addition for competitions, C9G also functions as the parent organization in the Cloud 9 Games Network. Both the organization and the external Cloud 9 Games group are part of the aptly named Cloud 9 Games, Inc., while C9G, Inc., along with Cloud Nexus and Ennead Union, Inc., are part of Cloud 9, Inc.
The Cloud 9 Games organization goes beyond sports by also covering other forms of entertainment. The organization will collaborate with Olympus Entertainment on productions such as game shows.
C9G will also be host to betting & gambling activities, to be integrated into the ‘verse and applied to all possible scenarios, such as racing and the sports that will be added to the ‘verse. There’s potential for building a Cloud 9 Games Casino or a similar facility that manages applicable gambling.
Although this organization’s activities in the ‘verse are on hold until we make progress with Cloud 9, Nebula 9, and Cloud Nexus, this group may begin to brainstorm ideas at some point in the time leading up to its activation.
Primary Activity: Competition & Entertainment
Guild Alignment: Imperial Sports Federation
Subsidiary of Cloud 9 Games, Inc. (external)
Cloud 9 Games Network: Parent Organization
Counterpart to external Cloud 9 Games group
Internal Competition with Olympus Entertainment
More information available on Cloud 9 website linked above.