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Cloud 9 Solaris / C9SOLARIS

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Resources
  • Engineering

also known as

Solaris Resources

“Unlocking potential on a galactic scale.”

We are part of the Cloud 9 Network.
Information: | Chat: Cloud 9 Chat



Announcement of expanded Cloud 9 Framework.

Solaris Resources, aka Cloud 9 Solaris, founded.

Basic engineering introduced; to be integrated at a later date.


Salvage and basic repair integrated into Cloud 9 Professions.


Refueling integrated into Cloud 9 Professions.


Experimental C9 crews pave the way for future potential with resources.

Refining integrated into mining in Cloud 9 Professions.


Mining integrated into Cloud 9 Professions.


Cloud 9 founded.


Also called Cloud 9 Solaris, this group is an essential part of our workforce that takes root with the everyday needs of our citizens, without which we could not thrive. We may be able to survive with professionals in the areas of medicine and security, but even they rely upon the services and materials provided by our Solaris crews. Solaris is part of our Resources Division and Resources Initiative.

The engineers of Solaris hold a unique place in our fleets by technically being in the Resources Division while simultaneously both functionally and operationally overlapping with our Survival and Exploration Divisions and by being critical to the success of our Survival Initiative. We make a point to ensure that every crew has, in addition to medical and security professionals, engineering professionals so that anything that can be engineered will have the personnel for it. That includes engineers for first-person items and gear, any future facilities such as land and space bases, and ships and ground vehicles. By integrating our engineers into the other crews of our network, every crew can rest assured that the maintenance, repair, and optimal functional capacity of all related items will be at their best.

Solaris is about more than engineering and repair, and considering the assortment of professions, the other areas of expertise easily hold their own, each with dedicated crews. Among them, Solaris crews cover mining and refining, salvage, gathering fuel and refueling, and some aspects of towing, the latter of which is done in coordination with QC&L, our trade and transport org.

Construction has a special purpose with Solaris, in that by aligning with the United Resource Workers guild, benefits are granted for building and crafting through contracts accepted from associated factions. When it’s time to build our land bases and space bases, Solaris will work closely with its parent organization, Cloud 9, on the construction process. This will include professionals and crews with specialties in the areas of claims, acquisitions, construction, and establishments. We will need our Cloud 9 organization’s scouts to explore the vast regions of the ‘verse for candidate locations to claim, professionals in Horizon and Vortex prepared to acquire and hold on to those lands and regions of space, construction workers from both the Cloud 9 and Solaris orgs to build upon them, and field operatives from Quantum and Olympus trained in running and maintaining operations once they become establishments. We will build our main headquarters and multiple privately operated bases. We aim to build a main public-facing facility for recruitment and commercialization purposes, which will double as a shopping center and branch out to include additional shops across the ‘verse. This will be a joint venture with all Cloud 9 orgs.


Primary Activity: Resources

Guild Alignment: United Resource Workers

Cloud 9 Network: Operating Unit of Cloud 9

More information available on Cloud 9 website linked above.