• Organization
  • Regular
  • Social
  • Exploration

Want to Make a Difference?, Want to Have a Say?

Celestia is an international, support and assist oriented organization which also tends to it’s own. But if you need help, we will be there!

Founded late 2952

We’re recruiting



Celestia, founded late of 2952(2022) is an exclusive UEE friendly ORG, even tho we might not agree with every decision they make.

We’re not looking to become a big org, we wanna let every members voice to be heard, we don’t have an exact number to go for, but nothing more than 200-300 active players.

Celestia is an AIO ORG, we offer every type of service, but we also hold our own.
You’ll see us conducting, exploration, security, escorts, trading, mining, salvage, courier runs, strike mission, regular patrols, combat patrols, search & rescue, medical and yes, even smuggling.

We’re working out of a council vote system & majority vote, with an uneven set of council members. Decisions that don’t affect Celestia’s core values or backbones directly will be voted for by all members in the ORG.

Piracy is allowed individually. As an ORG we will never dabble in piracy, but if you and a friend wanna conduct piracy you are allowed to do so, KEEP IN MIND, if “any” piracy action is conducted towards the ORGS own members or our allies, there will be severe punishment.

We have 4 different departments that you can choose from. Even if you have a main department, you can always play in the other departments.

Our Departments are
Business & Logistics
Medical & SAR
Science & Exploration

Within all departments we have sub-departments you can specialize in like Black Ops, Recon, Intelligence, Trading, Mining, Medical, Search & Rescue or Exploration, depending on the department you join.

To join us
We want you
  • To be at least 20+
  • Have a working Microphone
  • Be able to speak and write in English

You can join as a full member or an affiliate, join our Discord and contact a council member or department officer for more information.



Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.