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Cloud Nexus / CLOUDNEXUS

  • Corporation
  • Hardcore
  • Exploration
  • Scouting

“Bridging light and shadow.”

We are the parent organization of the Cloud Nexus Network.
Subsidiary of Cloud 9, Inc. (Tiers 7 & 6, Cloud 9 Government).

Information: | Chat: Cloud 9 Chat



Announcement of expanded Cloud 9 Framework.

Cloud Nexus founded.


Nebula 9 founded.


Cloud 9 founded.


Cloud Nexus is the leadership organization for the Cloud 9 and Nebula 9 Networks. Essentially, all things Cloud 9 organizations and Nebula 9 organizations are Cloud Nexus.

Membership in Nexus does not denote leadership, so membership may be opened up from time to time. However, its main purpose is to include the leadership from the other organizations.

The lawful activities of the organizations in the Cloud 9 Network and unlawful activities of the Nebula 9 Network come together through Cloud Nexus. Arrangements will be made to help each other improve strategies, tactics, methods of running operations, and basically any aspects of interactions between lawful and unlawful entities. Our groups on both sides of the law will then ideally be more successful when going up against or otherwise encountering opposition in the ‘verse.

This group is also the Cloud Nexus Organization Network within the Organizations Department in the Cloud 9 Engagement Division of Cloud 9, Inc. For some perspective on reporting structures, yet to be implemented, ready to be upon future growth, some crossover of leadership will be implemented at various points, like with captains eventually reporting to commodores, while operating unit directors (“org leaders”) will report to a senior director and there will later be additional levels up to leadership in Cloud Nexus. All of that includes crews in Tier 10 up through 7 with Cloud Nexus, then Cloud 9, Inc. at Tier 6.

Cloud Nexus goes beyond the bureaucracy and the lawful versus unlawful coordinated practices among our organizations by also functioning as an organization in a more traditional sense. It will establish its own crews, which will be perfect opportunities for leadership to have an extra space to test ideas that may later be implemented within the other organizations in our networks.

Although this organization’s activities in the ‘verse are on hold until we make progress with Cloud 9 and Nebula 9, this group may begin to brainstorm ideas at some point in the time leading up to its activation.


Leadership Organization for Cloud 9 & Nebula 9 Networks

Guild Alignment: Neutral

Subsidiary of Cloud 9, Inc. (external)

“Multiverse nexus” base (Cloud 9 Lore)

More information available on Cloud 9 website linked above.