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Crimson Star Milita / CRIMSONMIL

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Formed in response to the growing need for security and military might, the Crimson Star Militia stands as the shield of Constellation Interstellar Concern. We protect the interest of all affiliated partners against Vanduul, Xeno, Pirate and even the UEE if necessary, you need do is pay the price.


Formed in response to the growing need for security and military might, the Crimson Star Militia stands as the shield of CIC. Equipped with formidable vessels like the Polaris-class flagship, this branch safeguards the concern’s interests and provides a rapid response to any threat, whether it be Vanduul raiders or pirate incursions. Under the guidance of the Military Genius of Star General Wretched Chimera, the right strategy is executed for the appropriate response.


Crimsons star is a militia formed as a branch org of CIC in its need to be able to respond to threats against their own interests. While it started as a militia it quickly evolved itself into a mercenary org that will protect interests of parties who have paid for our services. Mainly we operate within the confines of the law only ever going against the UEE if the interests of CIC are at risk, as well as civil liberties of the citizens. For example, CSM has been known to have distain for the Hurston corporation due to the Life Contract that is practically a legal slavery policy, and have taken military and more passive actions against the corporation (Such as refusing to help with pirate incursions around Hurston space). We stand against the Vanduul threat and all others that put the interests of all at risk, We will be the shield that protects CIC and the UEE’s people even if that means old allies must become enemies for the sake of our comrades.


1.There is to be no action taken against Constellation Interstellar Concern they are our head org and no decenters will tolerated.

2. Pirating is not an action we actively engage in unless it is to protect CIC or the people of the UEE, Hurston space however is forfeit and an area that the CSM wishes to over through so go wild.

3.We do not tolerate any discrimination Banu, Xian, Tevarin, civilians and citizens are all protected under our banner, The org Known a Xeno threat is an enemy against this message and shall be purged, all sympathizers in the org will be delt with accordingly.

4.Welcome and help new payers no abuse of standing or power will be tolerated, violators will be stripped of rank and have to prove themselves once more.

5. Listen to your commanding officer while crewing their ship or acting in a group operation we do not need multiple orders flying around messing up our soldiers, we all want to make it home alive.

6. Role play is not required by any means, but it works with our purposes so role playing is something that is encouraged in the group as it will help with larger operations later on down the road.

7. No targeted aggression towards a member of CSM, CIC, or player will be tolerated, the only acceptable means are if CIC, CSM or civilian is under attack, or an active hit has been placed on the person. Any action other than in game actions are strictly forbidden (No harassment in chat, no stalking of social, and no actions that prevent the individual from playing the game as intended).

8. No harassment along with discrimination this will be and offence that calls for instant remove from CSM, these will be judged case by case and will not lead to immediate termination unless the party is found guilty, Keep it fun and respectful.