Dead Frog Freight / DEDF

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Transport
  • Piracy

We Pay you To Carry your freight.

We are the First Freighter Charter Service that caters exclusively to Pirates


I loved being a pirate.

I loved pirating in EVE Online, and I’ve loved pirating in Elite Dangerous.

However, over and over I kept running into the same Problem

I’d make a great score of valuable cargo, Lots of valuable cargo. Then what? My fighter only had a tiny cargo hold.

I was forced to pick and choose a few choice crates that fit into my hold and let the rest go. Sometimes I could call Guild mates to come load some up for me, but half the time they were already there with me, and their cargo holds were full too. I would have given anything to have a Hauler on standby to carry off the abandoned Prizes from the Loot-piñata we just popped.
With Star Citizen I decided to do something about it, Something Never Done Before

I’d Start a Hauling Service that Caters To Pirates

Welcome to dead frog

Contact Us <—- Discord Link


We Care about Player Experience First

We care about and obsess over every part of the player experience.From your first call to our office to your thousandth haul, every interaction point matters.

Challenge Convention

Doing the right thing often means upsetting the status quo. Who says pirate players don’t deserve the same resources as carebear players? We don’t; We embrace productive conflict to help us understand new perspectives and arrive at better solutions

Focus on Talent and Team

We know talented Pilots are key to everything we do. We seek impact and value results over titles or seniority. We build collaborative, motivated, goal-oriented teams that organize around solving the right problems for players.

Take Play Seriously

It’s never just a game. Games are an important part of our lives and we proudly call ourselves gamers. By playing the game A Lot and continuously redefining OUR META, we deliver value by knowing what players value.

Stay Hungry; Stay Humble

We humbly encourage, seek, and accept feedback. We help each other improve by being open and honest, yes even with Pirates. We are self-motivated individuals who know we’re never done and that there’s always more we can learn and more we can do for Pirate players.

Contact Us <—- Discord Link


Our charter is short and sweet, We Cater to pirates,

We send a hauler to assist your raiding party in collecting your loot. After loading up, Dead Frog will escort your raiders to where your winnings can be sold. Dead Frog will then sell your loot and ensure your Syndicate and your raiders are all paid fairly and promptly. Dead Frog offers video recording services to ensure honest Freighter Pilots and transactions, and to encourage and foster trust.

Dead Frog is more cost effective than using your own freighters. Our Freighter Captains take less than one equal share, and ensure a portion of each haul goes directly to your organization. If your organizations freighter captain is happy earning less the rest of his team, and you trust your Raiders to regularly pay a tribute out of the kindness of their hearts then you don’t need dead frog at all.

We foster a two way trust. In order for dead frog to pay your Org we require that a high ranking officer in your Org joins dead frog as an affiliate this ranking representative is required to accept your Syndicates tributes, and handle disputes among your raiding party this also helps to create accountability between you, your Pirates, and Dead Frog Freight;

We add one to the share division of each raiding party, and divide that share in half to pay our Freighter captains. The remaining share half is halved again to pay off the Organizations. For example: if your raiding party consisting of 4 pirates employs a Dead Frog Freighter each Pirate will equally receive twenty percent of the total haul value, the Dead Frog pilot will receive ten percent and the following ten percent will be divided between our organizations.

Yes our Freighter Captain makes Less, but he get all the excitement and only a small portion of the risk.

Why don’t we just kill the captain and keep the freighter?

Our Freighter Captains take less than one equal share, and ensures a portion of each haul sold goes directly to your organization; besides, It’s Your Loot, Our captains use dummy accounts, are instructed to self destruct, and the hulls are insured.

We also offer positions for your members and have zero problems with corporate espionage or forward thinkers.
Contact Us <—- Discord Link