Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!

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Defenders / DEFEND

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Security
  • Freelancing

We are the Defendors!!! all those who are wrong doers shall fall before our laser saber! our reason for existence in this universe is to protect and to defend the innocent, and to destroy the criminal scum!!!

Defend, Protect, and party on! also role play will be a choice, on and off sort of thing.



As of March 2015 the Defenders are proud to announce that we are now official liaisons of Grim’s Reapers! We look forward to kicking some pirate and Vanduul ass with you guys!


As i led my ship out of the mesosphere and into the thermosphere of planet settlement 255 a sudden barrage of enemy fire pelted our defense fleet, and While blasting the enemy in the bloody carnage i thought to myself, are the men I’m killing really bad people, are they evil? At that moment it didn’t matter, they were trying to kill me and i them. After the long battle was over my commander ordered me to direct my fire on civilian transport ships that were accompanying the enemy which now float as debris. they were neither attacking nor weaponized. i was shocked, is my commander in chief really ordering me to do this!? i asked for the command to be clarified, but the order was the same. Suddenly flashes of my family shot into my mind. There was no way i was going to do this, i was not going to fall through with this order, NO WAY IN HELL!!! i knew that my insubordination would result in my hanging, and possibly the execution of my family. i sat there running dozens of scenarios in my mind with the sound of echoed shouts in the background. Knowing the consequences i quickly had my communications officer relay a message to a trusted military friend to smuggle my family off the planet, and then without hesitation i ordered my ship guns to open fire on the commanding vessel, without mercy. Luckily i had good friends, but most importantly i had good people on my ship that i could trust. after i had destroyed the commanding vessel the entire defense fleet directed its attention to me, and so i fled not knowing if my family would make it out alive, and knowing that my children and wife, if captured, would most likely be executed for having a deserter for a father and husband. My crew and i became outlaws and mercenaries, and eventually vigilantes, we became… The A team…. Lol just kidding…. Anyways (cough)

Thus i decided to create The Defendors, to protect the defenseless and to bring down the hammer of justice upon the merciless. i will no longer sit by and let murderers and tyrants lead humanity into the depths of darkness.

i do not know if my family is alive, and many of my original crew members who were my friends are dead, and so i travel through the galaxy looking for people who are brave enough to sacrifice everything for honor, peace and above all else justice.

So join me, join me on my mission of justice!


The Defendors live freely within the boundaries of our charter. We are here to make the galaxy a better place as best we can, and we will make sure that others are not doing the opposite. anyone who is enslaving, murdering, defrauding, and or blackmailing shall feel the wrath of justice from our lazor sabor!


We put others who are deserving before ourselves.
We do not harm others unless they are deserving.
We protect those who are defenseless and deserving.
We liberate any who are oppressed.
We live free.