Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!

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Event Horizon Inc. / EHORIZON

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Exploration
  • Trading

Man has forever gazed at the stars and wondered what worlds and peoples exist beyond that which binds him to Earth. We at Event Horizon Inc. embody this dream bringing stellar cartography, logistical and economic network expertise to both government and private enterprise.



Event Horizons Inc was the concept of three good friends who were fed up with working for government organisations on low pay with little prospect of promotion. They realised that with their backgrounds in Combat operations, Research and Development and Trade they could offer consultancy services to corporations and governments in what is now the Three Core Pillar concept

Today Event Horizons Inc is standing at the edge of a bright future. With galaxy-class capabilites, deep knowledge of dynamic and adapting fields and the desire to know what is out beyond our safe and famililar home.


Who’s asking?


Pilots, henceforth called “Members”, wishing to join Event Horizons Incorporated, henceforth called “The Company”, must adhere to the rules and regulations set forth by this charter.

Members must:

1) Uphold the values of The Company as found in the manifesto
2) Perform their duties to the best of their abilities
3) Not maim or kill other Members nor attack, damage or otherwise vandlise the property of other Members nor The Company


1) The company maintains the right to assign a role to you should your first and second choices be oversubscribed
2) Work carried out on behalf of The Company that garners a fee will be paid in full to The Company
3) New Members will start at the rank of Trainee within their assigned pillar and will report to their pillar Commander
4) Members elevated to the rank of Commander will be responsible for those in their pillar including assigning roles, managing finances and submitting weekly status reports to the Executive Officers
5) Executive Officers have ultimate control over the work of The Company

Personal ships:

1) Upon joining, The Company, ships belonging to Members will enter into an agreement with The Company such that:

a. Ships will be fully insured by Members prior to starting with The Company which accepts no responsibility for loss of uninsured ships
b. Ships used in Company sanctioned combat missions will have full ammunition load out and insurance premiums covered by the company
c. In times of crisis personal ships may be called upon to protect Company assets. The Company will pay a stipend to cover ammunition costs during this time in addition to insurance premiums
d. Destruction of Members ships working independently of The Company will not be the responsibility of The Company

The Company Fleet:

1) Members can sign over ships to The Company in exchange for benefits dependant on ship size and value (to be decided)
2) The Company will maintain and operate these vessels and assign crew and tasks
3) Members assigned to captain these vessels are responsible for their safe return and control of their crew
4) Insurance and ammunition will be paid for by the company though in situations of gross negligence this may fall to the captain of the vessel at the time

In return The Company will:

1) Provide a salary (to be determined)
2) Provide Members with a safe working environment and protection when called upon