The Dragon's Claw / EOAGAMING

  • Syndicate
  • Hardcore
  • Freelancing
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Essence of Aggression will have a large deployment in Star Citizen! Looking forward to fulfilling ALL styles of play: Bounty Hunting, Engineering, Exploration, Freelancing, Infiltration, Piracy, Resources, Scouting, Security, Smuggling, Social, Trading, Transport. We do what we want, when we want.


Essence of Aggression is a gaming community that was born out of the early raiding days of World of Warcraft. Our core members have been gaming together for over a decade. What started as a Warcraft raiding guild eventually grew into a fun, adult gaming community. Our community now spans through many genres and games with active members all over the U.S.


The members of the Dragon’s Claw aren’t fond of rules. They muddy things, and we prefer to steer clear of rules and regulations when we can. Our only rule is to respect fellow Claws, and work together in whatever we aim to achieve. Individually and as a group we partake in a wide range of jobs throughout the ‘verse. These include but may not be limited to: Mercenaries for hire, salvage and exploration, industrial mining operations, smuggling, and the occasional piracy.

Our overall syndicate goals usually involve getting paid credits, booze, getting paid more credits, starting a bar fight in UEE territory, getting paid even more credits, and blowing stuff up.


Members of Dragon’s Claw tend to live by their own rules but we adhere(mostly) to a few basic guidelines:

-Always respect and help your fellow members when you can. Everyone else in the ‘verse be damned.

-Always honor your contract. Contracts are how we get paid. Completed contracts earn us a reputation. Reputation gets us more contracts, which gets us more credits. More credits gets us more booze, which is a priority.

-if you didn’t start the bar fight, at least be the one to end it.