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Eidsmore Space Industries / ESIORG

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ESI, in remembrance of.


ESI or Eidsmore Space Industries was founded in the year 2071 (founded on Jan. 20th that year) just before quantum drive/generator technology was invented by Dr. Scott Childress four years later. Eidsmore Space Industries, an ancient ship manufacturer which was located in unknown deep space being top-secret in nature. The founder was of the family Eidsmore (a family run/owned business), who used to be well known for starting a deep space top-secret PMC or Private Military Company. It is rumored that the founder of ESI, and his first manufactured ship known as the Pulsar, mysteriously disappeared in the Neso Triangle never to be seen nor heard from again. The Eidsmores continued manufacturing more Pulsars, but without the insight and leadership of the bright and groundbreakingly inventive nature of its founder. The Pulsar was a then top-secret PMC project mainly well known in the history books for its experimentally somewhat unstable anti-matter power core which powered both a unique (in and of itself) EM or Electromagnetic Drive and its ion drive. The Pulsar’s EM drive is about 10% slower than the very slowest of modern-day quantum drives available on the market today, when fairly compared. Its EM drive does ‘planet-hoping’ which uses a celestial body’s (such as a planet or moon) powerful and giant magnetic field to push/pull the ship towards it by extending its invisible EM field of its own to meet up with that celestial body’s magnetic field in order to manipulate it to travel towards (or away from) that celestial body. And the Pulsar’s ion drive implemented what was known then as ‘thrust-vectoring’ which allowed for aiming different directions but failed to implement any sort of side-to-side (or up/down) drifting movements. Its ion drive was the equivalent of today’s powerful thruster technology in similarly sized (large) ships. The ESI Pulsar also did not implement any reverse thruster(s) nor any maneuvering thrusters, so it could not land. However, it made up for this inability by utilizing 2 small shuttlecraft called Bill and Ted which carried both passengers (with fold-up seats) and cargo (down below the passengers). If stuck while moving forward, to reverse, it would have had to launch either Bill or Ted to get it to do so by simply pushing Bill or Ted up against its front end. The basic idea is like that of a tugboat. Bill and Ted (the 2 shuttles) were 15m long, had tough armor for their size, fuel use with hybrid plasma/hydrogen engines, and no shields of their own. Both shuttles when active (only when both were not disabled and present in combat next to Pulsar) only made a giant shield around the main/big 70m long craft called Pulsar. Both shuttles did this manually by both their pilot’s actions that activated a giant shield that surrounded Pulsar (on/off toggle controls). Even while active for Pulsar, both shuttles did not have shields of their own (always vulnerable in that regard). If either Bill or Ted got destroyed or disabled (or strayed off; went out of range in or out of combat) in combat (or 1 did not have their shield generator turned on for Pulsar) then the shield immediately went completely down that surrounded Pulsar. Both shuttles didn’t have quantum drives nor use quantum fuel; both shuttles only used regular hydrogen fuel (and basic/common fuel intakes/stellar scoops) along with (unique to it, even to this day) plasma gasses it could also use for thrust/propulsion. It measured 70m long, 71m high, and had a very wide beam of 86m as estimates. It had a cargo capacity of 112 SCU (12 SCU for each shuttle) and a crew of 3-8, not including its RC android captain of the name Sky (only humans were incl. in the crew count). Stations: 1 engineering, 1 hologram/sensor room, and 3 on bridge. The ship could be operated only with 1 (human) captain/pilot, 1 engineer, and 1 sensor/hologram room operator for a total crew of 3 while still being mission capable (and mostly effective). Its hologram could be deployed during the course of any battle to act as a decoy and attempt to distract any enemies nearby by visually appearing to be another Pulsar ship or even any other known allied ship. The decoy was only visual, but with Bill and Ted deployed at the same time, would be both visual and jam/scramble or otherwise trick sensors (the trick req. very close range to each specific tricked enemy ship to be successful). Up to 1 guest and 2 patrol officers for internal 24/7 guard duty (optional). The ESI Pulsar was also very unique in that it implemented what was then (and still is today) state-of-the-art reflective vinyl wrapping that was specially coated to successfully reflect all laser (but not other energy types) weapons less than what we know today as size 5 (reflected size 4 and smaller space-based and ground-based lasers). The ESI Pulsar was also unique in that it had 2 types of harmless missiles: gravity (push/pull smaller ships) and EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse to disable ships by turning off their electrical systems and computers temporarily). It had no damaging weapons, besides its theoretical nebula generator, and no shields of its own. However, it could surround itself with shields deployed by Bill and Ted, which were only size 2 shielding by today’s standards, but more than made up for this (in its day and age) by its extra thick armor and tough/reinforced structure. Its nebula generator is the talk of legends, rumored to have 2 modes for lightning space storms and stealth, and to this day no one believes that specific rumor. If only one could get their hands on an ancient derelict (but fixable) Pulsar with its nebula generator still intact and working, in this day and age, then one could find out…

Historical highlights:

  • ESI was founded on January 20th, 2071 and operated in unknown deep space being a top-secret PMC project unknown to most humans at the time
  • ESI’s founder mysteriously disappeared in the Neso Triangle sometime around March, 2075 although in the history books it’s well known to be dated exactly April 1st, 2075
  • ESI soon, within 1 month, went out of business and supposedly ceased all operations in the month of April, 2075 according to commonly held beliefs in history books
  • ESI manufactured a small number of only a few different types/styles/designs of ships at the time according to rumor, but what is known in modern history books officially is that the Pulsar had no copies and was the only one in existence at the time or even later on (rumor has it that’s not true; there is a rumor many copies of the now famous experimental ship known as Pulsar were manufactured and secretly dispatched to unknown deep space in or near the Sol System)
  • ESI’s Pulsar list of unique attributes: used an (unstable; req. an engineer to monitor/adjust the power levels and settings frequently every few mins. at its engineer station/room) anti-matter power core, used both EM and ion drive technologies, thrust vectoring with its ion drive (a unique way of aiming a ship up/down/left/right), combo shuttle/cargo bay (SCU space allocated towards the rear wall and side walls, shuttles parked in the middle of the bay/cargo room), a specially coated reflective vinyl wrap which gave it damage immunity to less than size 5 laser weapons (of only that energy type however), extra thick and tough armor with a reinforced hull structure, hologram decoy generator technology (the nebula generator is not in history books and remains a popular rumor… for now), secret/hidden/locked out Command Room on lower deck for the captain or pilot (the captain takes the pilot station by default) to Remote Control the RC android captain named Sky which was located on the bridge via a VR/Virtual Reality headset (command room also had escape pods), a large wave pool and a mini hydroponic farm on the secret/hidden/locked out upper deck that also housed crew quarters/living spaces, gravity missiles that also acted as a frequently pulsating flash of bright white light (hence the name ‘Pulsar’ was given to it), and EMP missiles that temporarily disabled enemy electronics within its range (unless shot down/destroyed by the enemy or otherwise disabled itself)
  • ESI’s Bill and Ted, the 2 shuttles made specifically only for the Pulsar, list of unique attributes: could use either hydrogen or plasma for fuel (but not both at the same time) in its otherwise common hydrogen tanks, when both shuttles surrounded the Pulsar could effectively cause shielding to occur for the Pulsar (req. both shuttles to be active, present, and launched within the vicinity of the Pulsar), could carry both passengers and cargo at the same time, could enable cargo and passenger loading to occur for the Pulsar due to the Pulsar’s inability to land, and enabled long-range (and deep/detailed scans) scanning for the Pulsar when close up/nearby any target (friendly or hostile, either one)


ESI, in remembrance of. This organization is in remembrance of Eidsmore Space Industries, an ancient ship manufacturer. We here at ESI will honor and forever remember Eidsmore Space Industries as one of the few existing (at that time in human history) ship manufacturers whose innovative nature served to further inspire those ship manufacturers throughout the next several centuries. This modern-day ESI, founded in 2952 by a descendant of that now famous Eidsmore from long ago, will serve to not only remember him in thought but also action by scouting missions (which is what he was mainly famous and known for with interdiction type of ships being his main focus) and freelancing (as he was also a freelancer, by rumor, as his personal side-gig). The full name of that Eidsmore who founded the ancient ship manufacturer, that was short-lived by only 4 years in the 2070’s, is still unknown to this day but much has been uncovered and we are grateful for this uncovered ancient and secret knowledge. We here at this modern-day version of ESI will honor that by action and thought with respect (those deserving) for fellow members and all citizens in the verse’ at all times.


This organization is in remembrance of Eidsmore Space Industries, an ancient ship manufacturer and PMC that used to be located in unknown deep space, which is no longer operational and does not currently manufacture any new star ships in modern times. It was a family run and owned business that was founded on January 20th, 2071 and ran until April 1st, 2075 (the founder was a fool to venture into the Neso Triangle, but don’t tell him we said that; some say that date/day of disappearance was one hell of a coincidence, and many jokes are told to this day about him in underground circles and dark corners of the modern verse’!). This organization, by the same name, is a club founded in 2952 by an Eidsmore that celebrates their ships that were manufactured long ago and are no longer in common service amongst popular and well-known modern-day groups such as the UEE/United Earth Empire, the Banu Protectorate, the Advocacy, and various independent smaller organizations like ARMCO and ‘CORP’. ESI is an exclusive club with arms wide open for any citizen who wishes to either scout, freelance, or just chat about ancient times and technology having to do with ESI. Ship designers welcome also! For those that can and will gift (or loan their ship temporarily to another member) other members, promotions are more likely to happen, as well as those whose attendance is often/frequent are more likely to get promotions. Please be friendly! The only rules here at ESI is to be here at least once a year (bare minimum) and respect all law-abiding citizens in the verse’ with the humanity they automatically deserve. The privileges of being part of ESI will mainly be that of common interests, teamwork while out on missions in space, and ship loaning/borrowing. Attendance will be required once a year in the month of December each year (randomly done at no exact set date; will announce exact date/time each year if the opportunity arises). Communication outside of the verse’ is encouraged. Just zone out to a mental state known as Discord. Search out ESI within one’s own mind (a Discord server) while there.