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Explorer Society / EXPSOC

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  • Exploration
  • Social

Domi in ignotis!

We are an academic Society of explorers.
We collaborate in the field of exploration and maintain a knowledge resource known as
the Library, a collection of scientific works published by our members.

Join the Explorer Society today!


The following is the most current draft of the history of the Explorer Society. It is currently still being actively edited:

While the actual founding of The Explorer’s Society is up to debate, it has been active since the early ages of scientific discovery on Earth. Some of the Society’s early members include Galileo Galilei, Nicolaus Copernicus, Isaac Newton, and Ferdinand Magellan. These scientists are famous for fostering and promoting humanity’s early understanding of topics including Mathematics, Physics, and Astronomy. Unfortunately the Society’s early days were riddled with strife. During this era, Earth was primarily under the control of an organization which tended to discourage ideas that did not fall in line with their own. They even exiled famous member Galileo for theorizing that the Earth revolved around Sol. This put the Society in grave danger of persecution from the Organization and forced it into secrecy. Like the Masons and Illuminati, the Society openly accepted members from the greater population but its inner workings were kept secret from the general public for its members safety. The Society operated in this method for hundreds of years. Some of history’s greatest achievements were accomplished by society members and driven by the open and free communication and cooperation between members.

The late 20th and early 21st centuries brought about massive changes in the Society. At that time the members occupied themselves scanning the cosmos and the vast depths of Earth’s oceans. This era brought about the Societies greatest asset, the internet. With their new ability to communicate reliably and instantaneously over vast distances, the possibilities for information sharing and discussion increased exponentially. While exploration was not a distinct possibility at the time, (The planet had, by that era, been completely cartographed) the Society turned its focus to furthering the development of technology with the hopes of one day getting to chart the stars. The Society silently pulled on the strings of humanity guiding them through the developments that would lead to the space age we know today. One of the most famous Society members from this era is Jim Keller, one of the greatest microchip architects of his time. He traveled from company to company sharing his brilliance, staying long enough to continue processor development but not so long as to give one company the absolute monopoly over the market.

Advanced computing technologies led to the development of the Societies proudest asset; The Library. The Library has become the center of all operations within the Society. It is a database run by volunteer members known as Librarians. All members of the Society are welcome to commit to the Library’s vast data-banks as they please. The Library has two facets. An online, always open version of the library where all contributed data is held for members to peruse at their leisure. The secondary facet is a physical storage of scans and other data within the universe, access to which can be requested and is never denied. ((Breaking Character) My understanding is that data will require care within the verse and will be almost physical like cargo)

The work among Explorers, Librarians, and the Library spurred incredible technological development, and when the technology was ready, the Society returned to its roots and for the first time in centuries, true explorers again ventured out into the unknown. The first explorers left the earth and reached into the stars. The societies members were numerous among these first intrepid adventures, one the most notable being Neil Armstrong, the first human to set foot on luna.

The society was not satisfied however. While their scientists had made incredible strides they could not push their devices to other stars, it may be hard to believe, but back then they could not even push a human from earth past Luna. More than a century following mans first steps on the luna, the society’s scientists were finally ready to announce a major breakthrough. The morning of May 3, 2075 Dr. Scott Childress and his team appeared on the morning news to announce that they had successfully completed the first quantum engine capable of 1/100th the speed of light. This breakthrough foreshadowed a new era of exploration for the society and humanity as a whole.

Given the incredible possibilities of the coming centuries the societies librarians made a controversial decision. They secretly turned the society into a business. Calling themselves “Roberts Space Industries” they acquired funding and began to work. This new structure increased progress tenfold, leading to the RSI terraforming patent in 2113, the beginning of the terraforming of Mars in 2120, and ultimately the Mars Tragedy of 2125. This massively tragic event brought great shame to the society and its members. While progress had increased in their new business format, pushing the scientists to work more quickly had led to the type of careless work that resulted in the minor mistake causing tragedy on Mars. All of the librarians resigned in disgrace, their names forever removed from society records. As a form of apology to humanity as a whole the society decided to perform one last action as RSI, taking the next 15 years to develop, test, and produce the RSI Zeus. This was the first consumer grade, short range, exploration minded star-ship. Following its release the Explorer’s Society cut all ties with the business RSI and swore to never undertake another society operation for purely monetary purposes again.

The society returned to its low key operating practices and resumed gently pulling on the strings of humanity to guide it through the stars. The societies first major venture following the tragedy on mars was the launching of the 1st Colonial flight in 2232. The flight was crewed by many society members, but the majority were indeed civilian. It was known that nothing would be heard from the flight’s crew for at least 200 years, but given it has been 700 years since their launch hopes are low for contact from the descendants of the original crew.

Another major point in the societies history was the discovery of the first Jump Point in 2271. This is accredited to famous explorer Nick Croshaw. The system he visited is the first ever visited by humanity, and it now bears his name as the Croshaw system. His fearless dedication to exploration and the furthering of the human race spawned a new career known as Navjumping. This is the art of not only finding new jumpoints, but also fearlessly entering them with no knowledge of what could be on the other side to chart its path. Through this practice many members of the society make their living. Another famous society member was Antoine Lebec, discoverer of the Nul System.

Inevitably, according to Fermi Paradox, first contact with another species was made in 2438. Regrettably, this was not made by a society member. However, many of General Neal Socolovich’s delegates were indeed society members and their efforts helped hammer together the first intergalatic peace treaty. Following this momentous occasion many society members picked up xenobiology, xenosociology, and xenoarchaeology. Through their efforts we have learned much about alien civilizations, both current, and long extinct. Later, in 2530 a society member made first contact with what we now know as the Xi’an empire. Unfortunately, the military, one of the few government branches with almost no society influence, acted far too aggressively; starting a sort of cold war between the races.

Nearly a century passed following the societies contact with the Xi’an wherein almost nothing notable happened. Rather regrettably, given the cold war with the Xi’an and the Tevarian Wars the UEE had transitioned into a militaristic society. This militaristic mindset placed major dampers on The Societies progress. In 2638 Society member and Senator, Assan Kieren decided she had had enough. She began to speak out against the government but Imperator Messer XI used the UEE’s propaganda machine to discredit her. She quickly disappeared and is presumed by society records to have been murdered. This led to one of the few times in history during which the society choose to work as a whole unit. They all wanted to see change and thought there was no other option than to work together to cause it. The Librarians knew however, that the time was not right and that the societies political aspirations would have to wait.

By 2715, Librarians saw that perhaps the time was right to begin the society’s work. Members who chose to help began the spread of new ideas, the possibilities of a world without Messers. From the shadows they whispered and over the next 70 years the people began to realize the flaws in the system. The military was stretched thin fighting too many wars, and the Imperator’s power was beginning to fade. In 2757 a boy was shot by a guard while working in a factory. He became a martyr for the cause.

Finally in 2792, after The Massacre of Garron II, the people rise up against the Imperator and a new one is put into place. Luckily, Society Member Erin Toi was chosen and he promised a new era of enlightenment and social consciousness.

With a Society member finally at the helm of humanity great progress is made. The Fair Chance act was a major accomplishment during this era, and in it all lifeforms were given a chance to fend for themselves. The most major accomplishment however, was the construction of the Ark. This is the publicly accessible portion of the societies own Library. Through the ark the society gives knowledge to the greater public of both humanity and the universe as a whole. Upon its completion a gala was hosted and many delegates from each of the other races were invited. This was one of the Societies grandest displays of its peaceful intentions.

Upon completion of the ark the society again faded into their regular information sharing, project organizing, and knowledge finding ways. While it’s been more than a century since the ark was completed there has not since been an event in which The Society has felt the need to get involved in a large scale. In fact, aside from the Historical Truth Act of 2941, which declassified millions of pieces of government archive, no historical event in recent history can be attributed to purely The Society’s Influence. To this day The Society’s members pursue their own individual interests, either by themselves, or in groups.


—This is our Manifesto, First Edition—

The Explorer Society (henceforth referred to as “The Society”) exists to serve as a nexus through which cooperation and collaboration is encouraged in the general field of exploration and all of its sub fields*, with the goal of furthering society’s knowledge of the universe. Knowledge attained by Society members that is intended to be openly shared among all individuals is kept in a master database, referred to herein and throughout The Society as “The Library”, managed by the Society’s Librarians.

The Society is a loose cooperative open to any individuals who are interested in pursuing knowledge in the field of exploration. The Society first and foremost places member’s choices and ownership of information above all else. Within The Society, no party regardless of title*, experience, or means, should in any way attempt to coerce any other party into divulging information or participating in any pursuit if it is against said party’s desire to do so.

Cooperative endeavours and academic forums among members of The Society are at all times encouraged, and may be initiated by any active member of The Society. The Society is not a means of funding; members of The Society must rely on their own financial means and the generosity of other members, should they wish to pursue it, to support any endeavours undertaken as a Society collaboration. This is due to the fact that reciprocally, The Society requires no financial contribution from its members*. It is the hope of The Society to exist as an open forum for discussion and debate among intellectuals working towards greater understanding, personal achievement and the advancement of knowledge.

It is not the responsibility of any member to divulge to The Library any knowledge or information on any pursuit of their own regardless of status, be it concept, theory, open endeavour*, or closed investigation. However, it is one of the general purposes and hopes of The Society that closed investigations be shared with The Library pursuant to The Society’s desire to “further… knowledge of the universe.” Additionally, any member who wishes to divulge to The Society any endeavour which they are openly pursuing, may do so without requirement that they also divulge any details of the investigation. Such a disclosure may be utilized in the hopes to draw out additional members interested in lending assistance to the owner of the aforementioned open pursuit. Even at this point it is not required that the member owning the open pursuit divulge information to any other individual before they are prepared to do so.

General administrative duties are undertaken by active members on a purely volunteer basis. Such administrators hold the title of “Librarian” in the case of those who maintain The Library, and administrators for those who’s responsibility it is to undertake general upkeep of the society’s network, membership, and other general administration. Such role-bearing members hold those titles for no purpose other than identification. Any active member may request and be granted one of these roles*, however it is then up to that individual to remain worthy of the responsibilities. These role-bearing individuals are willful servants and aides to The Society.

It is the Membership’s hope that The Society be a place where members can find friends in a common pursuit as well as respite from the demands of everyday life. it is the aim of The Library and all those that contribute to it that it be a worthy resource oft-used by those in need of knowledge and inspiration, member or no.

From humble beginnings, The Society strives to attain recognition among the Membership as a comforting presence and a reliable source for help in one’s hour of need. At its core, The Society aims to be a bright beacon of knowledge in the universe, transcendent of all the evils of daily life.

Such are the intentions, motives, views and hopes of the United Empire of Earth’s Explorer Society.

Domi in ignotis!

*Denotes further detail exists in the United Empire of Earth Explorer Society’s Charter


— Please see the post on The Society’s Spectrum or Discord to contribute to the development of the charter.—

1. Membership

  • Membership to the Explorer Society is open to all persons commanding, willing to crew, or otherwise act in the service of an exploratory or scientific endeavor.
  • The aim of the society is to help foster a climate of cooperation and communication among explorers as well as produce academic discussion, debate and literature on exploration-related topics.
  • Members are free to be members of other organizations.
  • Members shall never be under any obligation to contribute finances, research, time, actions, resources or information to the Society.
  • Members are equal in value in every way in the Society, regardless of title, length of membership, duties, etc.
  • Members may attain titles and/or serve as administrators or Librarians.

2. Titles

  • Titles do not measure power in the Society. All members stand equal. They are in place to reflect experience, expertise and knowledge to other members.
  • Members are known as Fellow upon entering the Society.
  • Members may achieve the titles Journeyman and Specialist after sufficient periods of active participation in the Society.
  • Members may achieve the titles Scholar, Principal and Director after significant contributions or activity within the Society. Contributions can include — but are not limited to — submitting or contributing to research (articles, analyses, reports, etc.) and organizing, leading or taking in part in expeditions of any size.

3. Roles

  • Roles do not measure power in the Society. All members stand equal. They are in place to allocate voluntary administrative duties among members.
  • All members of the society are free to contribute as much or as little as they please to the Society’s Library.
  • Any member interested in managing administrative aspects of the Society are free to do so.
  • Librarians are those members that manage the Explorer Society’s Library. Any member may volunteer to serve as a Librarian.
  • Members must have been part of the Society for a period of time before they may volunteer for administrative duties or as Librarians. This is in place to avoid griefing.

4. Library

  • The produced articles and discussions on exploration are preserved in the Society Library, which is available to all members.
  • Members are free to contribute documents to the library as much or as little as they please.
  • The Library is managed by the Librarians of the Society.
  • The Library also contains an administrative section containing voluntarily provided information from Society Members.

5. Conferences and meetings

  • Conferences and meetings are free to be organized and communicated by any member of the Society.
  • The aim of such meetings is to further collaboration and discourse between fellow explorers.
  • Presence at such occasions shall never be required.
  • The funding of such events shall be obtained through voluntary donations.

6. Finances

  • There is to be no financial obligation for membership in the Society.

7. Obligations

  • Intentional acts of harm or aggression (including but not limited: theft, piracy, physical or financial damage and murder) towards fellow members are grounds for expulsion from the Society if deemed appropriate by leadership.
  • Members are expected to provide aid to other members in need when it is requested, in whatever capacity they are able. Allowing another member to come to harm through intentional inaction will not be tolerated.

8. Amendments

  • Any member in good standing may propose amendments to EXPSOC’s structure, manifesto or charter.
  • The proposal must be presented in written form and posted on EXPSOC’s spectrum page under the Organizational Structure forum.
  • Proposals will be adopted or not on the basis of popularity of the proposal among current actively participating members of the organization, however final consent must also be given from org leadership for any proposals to be adopted.

9. Promotions

  • In order to be granted a higher title, Members must gain the approval of the Adjudication Board (see article 10).
  • Members can nominate their peers or themselves for promotions.
  • Members will then meet with The Board and present their case for promotion. The Board will hear the case and make a determination.
  • Members may appeal for promotion to any title above their current title.
  • Members who earn a promotion will be expected to maintain themselves within the society as worthy of their title.

10. The Adjudication Board

  • The Adjudication Board (“The Board”) shall be a panel of society members whose charge it is to oversee the member promotions process.
  • The Board shall consist of an odd number of members.
  • Board members shall be appointed by Society leadership from volunteer members.
  • The board shall be selected, convened and thereafter disbanded upon completion of their work on an as-needed basis.
  • Any member holding the rank of Journeyman or higher is permitted to nominate themselves or other members for a seat on The Board.
  • The Board shall make decisions on matters of promotions ONLY.