Supply or Die

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Falcon Punch Galactic / FALCPUNCH

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Scouting

Welcome to Falcon Punch Galactic! We give the added punch in places normally avoided for exploration. Our focus is security details designed to protect your investments, specialising in long term deep exploration support units and high risk search & rescues aiming to protect your claims!


Falcon Punch exists as a organisation founded initially by two retired pilots of the UEE Navy stationed in the Hades System, an Advocacy agent from the Earth Protectorate and Colonial Surveyor assisting in the terraforming project of Tyrol V. All four founding members of the corporation started as former graduates from Terra ‘Lysol’ region ‘Hadix University’ in the graduating year of 2920. The founding members where Juroot E’Dar, Tuxill Ator, Codus Steiner and Lukus Farr (or more commonly known as ‘Fudge’ on some fringe colonies).

Tuxill and Juroot served as wing combatants in the Grinder and later in the Hades systems chasing down looters of Hadesian ruins, Codus preferred the more amped life chasing down criminals in the hear of lower Hengsha province in Beijing and Farr spent most of his time working on establishing environmental protocols on fringe development worlds for the UEE.

The beginnings of this organisation lead back to 2931 when Lukus was abruptly taken hostage resulting in his entire science team being brutally massacred on the fringe world of Tryrol 5 by a local pirate gang . A ransom subsequently was made and in line with UEE protocols, negotiations with violent criminals were deemed not a possibility. Learning of their friend’s capture and the failure of UEE advocacy and military forces to intervene, Codus, Tuxill and Juroot promptly discharged themselves from the UEE Navy and Advocacy to begin the process of liberating their friend, much to the exacerbated superiors at the time.

With what severance was owed they purchased a decommissioned avenger and two decommissioned militia cutlasses in order to enact a rescue of Lukus. Through contacts in the local governance of Tyrol V they identified a little known slaver merchant by the name of ‘Rykol’ as being aware of details of the attack. Whilst sleeping in his cabin he was captured and detained by the group for further questioning. With persuasive persistence the locations of previous pirate attacks in the area of the Tyrol III asteroid cluster was extracted from the slaver. Additionally before disposing him out of the nearest airlock, the name of the pirate group was confirmed as the slaver group ‘The Wanted & Lost’.

The group formed a simple lure and bait tactic, simulating an engine breach signature on Codus’ own avenger to lure a pack of pirates to the area. In ‘environmental only’ status Tuxill and Jurrot waited expectantly attached to a long derelict scientific orbital platform above Tyrol III. Once in weapons range they engaged and promptly destroyed three separate pirates ships and disabled a fourth. This allowed them to board the ship venting atmosphere and apprehend one of the attackers.

Whilst what transpired after this point is currently undocumented, their attempts at interrogation were highly successful enabling them to acquire the location and resources of the pirates within the Tyroll III asteroid cluster. With what credits credits remained in their accounts they purchased a barely serviceable caterpillar and outfitted it with field emitters and localised fusion mines on short wave fuses. Using a ghosted EMP signal to represent high value components within the caterpillar the trio hoped to lure a larger presence of pirates, track them back to their base and remotely detonate the ship to cause the maximum amount of damage.

It didn’t take long for the greater bulk of the ‘Wanted and Lost’ to appear with a Reclaimer in tow to bring the ship back to their base. Shadowing their movements Codus, Tuxil and Juroot moved closer to a hidden base on a rather unassuming piece of rock floating in the midst of a whole range of other useless rocks. Easy to miss in such a large asteroid field.

As the caterpillar was docking in the breached landing bay and the majority of the small pirate fleet was swarming around the vessel, Juroot announced on broad spectrum channels “Die Slaver Scum!” With the open broadcast the fusion mines were detonated and the localised blast ripped apart the caterpillar, destroying the airlock for the hanger, obliterating several escort cutlasses and severely compromising the remaining escort fighters.

With unbridled fury the three unloaded their full arsenal at the limp attempted pirate counter-attack. With minimal shields, venting atmosphere and incoming fire the remaining pirate ships on active duty were unable to attack effectively or in any coordinated manner. Additionally due to the incredible damage on the flight deck of the asteroid base most of the remaining ships, pirate crew and infrastructure was blown into space during decompression.

Coming in hot all three starmen landed in what remained of the flight deck and prepared to EVA into the unexpected. While at this point they had expected to meet heavy resistance from the remaining pirates not killed, they did not expect nothing at all. Moving through rugged, ruined and poorly lit corridors they met no resistance at all. Instead what they found was Lukas and a sizable group of fellow slaves liberated with assault rifles, plasma cutters and laser weapons taken from the guards they had overpowered in the confusion.

With the station coming down around them they decide that they needed to leave and quickly. Loading their cutlasses with the liberated slaves the rescue group fled to the safety of open space with enough time to see the interior of the asteroid base go up in explosions that cracked the rock into several smaller pieces.

Returning to the nearest UEE migration centre Lukas, Tuxill, Codus and Juroot were given the numerous bounties that were placed on the ‘Wanted and Lost’ and also a smaller payment for the rescue of the civilians. Yet…their past careers were over and they pondered this thought on what was a night of celebrations. From these celebrations the organisation of Falcon Punch Galactic was born, the name inspired from the classic street style punch that is swift, brutal and spontaneous. They realised the PMG that provide standard details within UEE, Lawless and Alien sectors were fairly common, difficult to make money when you were trying to outbid the other. Therefore they looked for a more niche market, one that required more subtle tactics, awareness of the dangers of the frontier worlds and ability to foster trust when you are many light years away from support. Falcon Punch Galactic is about securing stakes in the frontier, the unknown and the relatively discovered…


From those early drunken celebrations the four formed the ‘Falcon Punch Galactic’ group with the mandate of ‘Search and Rescue…with extreme force if necessary’. Whilst their primary role was contracts to rescue those unfortunate to be in the wrong place at the wring time, they understood the need to accept work in the security detail and bounty fields of work.

Yet over the small space of two years the company has been known to give go that bit further into unknown space and provide security for their clients. They prefer to gather information first, stay unseen and play their hand on their own terms. Many pirates or opportunistic criminals have attacked a ‘undefended’ expedition or salvage op only to have their radar pinged by several FPG signatures.

And lastly their major currency is the trust they create with their clients working on the fringes of known charted space. Falcon Punch Galactic bank on their code of honour that sees them protect the security of others and not taking advantage of their position of power. They are the company to bank on when all you have around you is dangerous environments, unknown sectors and a large distance from you and UEE space.

Basic on Ancient Earth Spartan military structure the FPG focus on precision striking and reconnaissance rather than brute force, preferring to mark their targets, position themselves in the field and wait for the most opportune time. The fleet while smaller than most outfits focus on increased sensor arrays, reflective shielding and deepened EMP signatures over weapons. The ‘Etherway’ a converted Aquilla variant constellation is their modest C&C overseeing the operation of cutlass, F7C Hornet variants and Gladius fighters as their workforce.


All Falcon Punch Galactic members understand that sometimes hard choices often lead to hard actions. Some may come from less than stellar backgrounds, however if you have never been wanted by the UEE or had a bounty placed on your head then you are welcome to join us provide a punch to S&R.

Most rules are as such:
1. Mutual respect. Don’t speak or interact with someone in a way you wouldn’t like to be if the roles were reversed.

2. Have fun, that means no griefing others or taunting. Sledging is fine but remember there is always a line that can be crossed.

3. Share resources when possible. I’m sure you don’t need to fly 3 constellations at the same time?

4. Don’t force others into role-playing or technical speak. It is only fun if you make the decision to do so yourself. It is encouraged but not necessary.

However…there is one restriction that must be enforced strictly, NO SLAVERY or association with slavers (including third party relationships with slavers). They are the scum of the ‘verse and are opposite to our code!

Fly Safe!

Sentrix141 (AKA Juroot)