• Organization
  • Regular
  • Resources
  • Security


[EST. 2948]
FARUKON was built on Loyalty, Brotherhood, and Maturity.



There are many living in systems across the universe that endure torment; clamoring for the opportunity we enjoy. We all have experienced our own tragedies. For some, it was the loss of a soul, taken before their time. For others, an act of betrayal. Yet the most grievous of wounds are from those who live without purpose, sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss of conformity. They never set out into the wilderness conquering their fear and remain shackled to those around them with no future. Farukon exists to break such restraints.

The foundations of Farukon were forged in myth and sharpened by legend. Many years ago, The Founders endured fiery trials where courage and resolve lifted them from the ashes of a derelict world covered in blood and steel. This… was their legend.

Ash descended upon the face of the scarred landscape. We were home. Many saw it as the blight of the verse. Some accidental folly resulted in the devastation of a planet and the ruin of a system. To us, it was the key that unlocked our future. It was our chance to reach out into the verse and make a difference. And we took it! We were soldiers, brothers, and friends. Trust was deep. For nearly a decade we placed our lives in each other’s hands. Together we faced all manner of adversity that would break modern men. Through it all, we became the hammer, anvil, and fire to forge a new future for each other. Little did we know, that our future would descend upon us so rapidly.

We stumbled upon the paragon of exquisite acquisitions. Upon our discovery, we were contacted by our liaison in the UEE to ask if they could determine the validity of our claim. It is all a blur from here. Our lives were changed forever. The UEE gave us everything we needed to excavate and restore our find. With these resources, we built the foundations for Farukon.

This verse is a precious gift. It casts forth so much for us to harvest. It is our call to ensure that all can reach out and attain their dreams among the stars.

In 2948 we launched Farukon Armaments & Secured Industry. This was the culmination of our dream. But our dream wasn’t without risk. Rapidly, word traveled through the darkest corners of the empire of our mighty find. It was only a matter of time before syndicates of evil descended upon us. We used a large portion of our wealth and influence with the UEE to build a dedicated security force to protect our assets. For nine long days, we were under siege. Pirates, Mercs, and organizations broke upon our bow. But the deepest cut came from within.

It was a coup d’état. A small group of insurgents shifted loyalty from the organization, our brotherhood, our sanctuary…. to a singular chaos. Their efforts, in the end, were for naught. One by one the serpents were driven out. No longer having access to our territory, they started to enlist other organizations to lay siege to our claim.

We were fast to adapt to each captain’s strategies and responded with swift counters. This, along with the devotion and honor of our security forces earned them the name of MAKO.

Many men and women were injured with grievous wounds in the fighting. So much pain and loss. It brought a realization during the fight that we needed to be able to contend with even death itself if we were going to survive the onslaught. It was our founder that gave us HOPE with his armada of Endeavors and Apollos. Leading us in his ivory chariot of fire, we were afforded victory. He sacrificed his life to save the org. It was here that we realized that our medical elements needed to be able to defend themselves as they saved lives. This caused us to overhaul the structure of HOPE, to what it is today. Borne from the fires of the Battle of Ash and Blood emerged an advanced unit of highly trained lifesavers who are equally able to take lives as they can save them. They are known as FLATLINE

It was going to take some time to rebuild our home in the aftermath of the battle. A group of our most industrious members within KILO took it upon themselves to mine, salvage, and cultivate what had been destroyed. Kiloton after Kiloton of ore, wrecks, and crops the 8th Resource Wing quickly rebuilt our future. It was only by the dedication and sheer will of these members that we have the resources to realize our potential.

Now it was time to repay the verse for its provision. Now it was time to help those who could not reach the stars.


2048 – Founded as Farukon Armaments & Secured Industries 2049 – Established our Corpo Structure and Guidelines 2050 – Initiated our three Divisional Entities [ KILO / MAKO / FLATLINE ] 2051 – Launched our NEW Discord, Rules, and Roles 2052 – Re-Branded as FARUKON,
  • Established our Foundational Leadership
  • Developed a Culture that exemplifies our DNA
  • Developed interfaces to aid Kilo operations
  • Developed advanced training regiments for MAKO
  • Established strong relationships with several organizations [Coalition]



FARUKON is a Heavy Industrial Org with our own bespoke security solution augmented with state-of-the-art medical teams.

We perform large Mining, Salvage, and Energy operations with a robust logistics mechanism protected by our own security and medical teams.



FARUKON was founded on three main pillars. Mentorship, Maturity, and the Brotherhood.

Mentorship is the relationship between people where the individual with more experience, knowledge, and connections is able to pass along what they have learned to another individual. at Farukon, our membership is known for going out of their way and taking people under their wing to help them whenever they can. We have all been where you have been. It is our nature to be as helpful as possible to new and old players alike.

Maturity is a multi-faceted element of life and a critical part of the culture here at FARUKON. Here are the factors that lead to the maturity we exemplify at FARUKON.
  • Able to keep long-term commitments.
    Unshaken by flattery or criticism.
    Possesses a spirit of humility.
    Decisions are based on character, not feelings.
    Expresses gratitude consistently.
    Prioritize others before themselves.
    Seeks wisdom before acting.

Brotherhood is the best way that we can express the relationship of our membership. We are all here for each other. Dedication to the whole and a willingness to listen to the difficulties of life set the people in FARUKON apart from many gaming organizations.


FARUKON wants you to find the org you belong in. Where you feel the most fulfilled. Sometimes that requires multiple affiliations or trial runs in an organization, Discord, or Forum to understand how the culture resonates with you. So if you want to be in multiple orgs all at once you do you.

When it comes to access as an affiliate you can rely on great content, updates, and chats that inspire, create, and contain elements of Star Citizen and general discourse with members of FARUKON.

Want more access? Join us as your primary org and get the deeper, more Hands-On approach to your Star Citizen experience. If you feel that mentorship, maturity, and brotherhood are what you are looking for in an organization then look no further. If we are resonating with you why not take the next step and become a full member. Enjoying from other members, while also maintaining your affiliations with other friendly orgs.

Leadership in FARUKON is a heavy burden that must not be taken lightly. In order to preserve the essence of what makes us unique, a token of dedication is required. If you are up for the challenge and have what it takes, then we will ask that you sever your affiliations and focus primarily on FARUKON. This is to lessen the possibility of a conflict of interest. (The only exception to this would be the Official Diplomatic Corps of FARUKON.)